FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 25

25. Summarizing demands to safety and quality of foods in normative documents important for regulation of food security issues 
K. Kopylova, S. Verbytskyi, O. Verbova 
Pages:  203-210
Food safety and quality take an important place among the criteria for food security. In particular, an important issue is the achievement of proper physical and chemical parameters of food products used for state reservation. As a result of the research carried out, it is considered advisable to develop special standards that will normalize the specifications for food products intended for reservation, or to complement existing standards with provisions that contain special requirements for the foods being used for reservation purposes. To rationalize the fulfillment of this task, the "Database of food products dealing with food security issues of the state and their characteristics" was developed. The said database is compiled in accordance with the requirements for food safety and quality in the following groups: meat and meat products, canned meat and meat, dairy canned and dried milk products, butter, frozen fish, canned fish, cereals and flour, bakery products and flour, butter and fatty foods, sugar, tea. For all specified groups of food products and food raw materials represented by the current standards, typical lists of safety and quality indicators are given.
Key words: food safety, food security, quality of foods, standards, state reservation, technical regulation
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