FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 21

21. Authenticity of organic dairy products: analysis of potential markers
Ya. Zhukova, P. Petrov 
Pages:  167-175
The analysis of studies of authentication of organic dairy products has shown that at present time the greatest differences had found for the compounds of the fat phase. In organic cheese, cream and butter, the content of trans-vaccenic acid was not less than 2.010 g/100 g of fat, conjugates of linoleic acid – 0.580 g/100 g, phytanic acid – from 200 mg/100 g of fat and above, α-linolenic acid – from 0.50 g/100 g of fat. Also, statistically significant differences were found for pristanic acid: in organic cheeses its content varied in the range of 42-71 mg/100 g fat, and for conventional – 26-57 mg/100 g fat. At the same time, it was found that the ratio of pristanic/phytanic acid and stereoisomers of phytanic acid are critical. The value of stable δ13C isotopes in the fat fraction, below -26.5 ‰, may indicate the organic origin of dairy products. However, partial overlapping of values in organic and conventional products can be explained by the features of the cattle diet. Therefore, the most promising direction is a complex analysis of fat and protein phases, mathematical comparison of the results of biochemical and physicochemical studies of organic products, which will create a reliable tool for confirming their authenticity.
Key words: authentication, organic dairy products, fatty acid composition, phytanic acid, stable isotopes
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