FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 12

12. Methodological aspects of the research of the cycle of development of Ukrainian economy and the branches of the food industry
L. Yashchenko 
Pages:  106-114
The article describes the algorithm for building a business climate indicator in SPSS and the Business Cycle Tracer graph in MS Excel. The business cycle phases are determined basing on the Hodrick-Prescott filter adjusted for the Ukrainian economy for the period from the 3rd quarter of 2002 to the 2nd quarter of 2017. It also analyzes the main macro indicators for each phase of the business cycle and the main indicators of the development of food industry. As a result, a number of measures have been proposed at the state level to improve the efficiency of domestic enterprises.
Key words: business climate indicator, business cycle, Hodrick-Prescott filter, business cycle phases, the Business Cycle Tracer graph, investment attractiveness, reputation of the country
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