FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 11

11. Key aspects for providing quality of the milk in the dairy industry
N. Yurchenko
Pages:  98-105
In the article the key factors influencing the quality and safety of milk and dairy products are investigated. The analysis of the level and quality of domestic milk purchases has been carried out, the volume of its purchases by regions is determined. The comparative analysis of amount of the Ukrainian cows is conducted with their amount in the countries of ЄС, by the state on 2016, and the level of their productivity is defined. The article indicates the laws and regulatory documents regulating the legal and organizational framework for ensuring the quality and safety of milk and dairy products in Ukraine, compared with the main documents in force in the EU legislation, the article contains conclusions regarding the level and use of harmonization of national standards with international normative documents.
Key words: quality, provision, quantity, industry, milk, laws, legal acts
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