FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 17

17. Peculiarities of DSTU 4450:2005 «Canned meat. Stewed meat. Specifications» application to quality control of production, which received to store by state reserve of Ukraine
O. Gavrylenko, O. Zaslavskyi, O. Kozych, T. Nesterchuk, O. Velikanov 
Pages:  144-149
A large amount of canned meat "Beef Meat" of different producers was investigated for compliance with mandatory quality indices, as defined by DSTU 4450:2005. On the basis of practical research it was shown that some provisions of DSTU 4450 are obsolete and require specific urgent changes and improvements to ensure the country's food safety.
Key words: DSTU 4450, canned meat, meat stewed, beef meat, quality indices
1. Консервы мясные. Мясо тушеное. Технические условия: ГОСТ 32125-2013. – [чинний від 01-07-2014]. – М: Стандартинформ, 2013. – 16 c. – (Міждержавний стандарт).
2. Boutten, B. Quantification of soy proteins by association of immunohistochemistry and video image analysis / B. Boutten, C.Humbert, M. Chelbi, P. Durand, D. Peyraud // Food and agricultural immunology. – 1999. – №11. – P. 51-59.
3. Про затвердження Порядку відбору зразків продукції тваринного, рослинного і біотехнологічного походження для проведення досліджень: [Постанова Кабінету міністрів: від 14 червня 2002 р. № 833] // Офіційний вісник України. – 2002. – № 25, стор. 9, с. 1207.
4. Консерви м`ясні. М’ясо тушковане. Технічні умови: ДСТУ 4450:2005. – [чинний від 01-07-2006]. – К: Держспоживстандарт України, 2006. – 16 с. – (Національний стандарт України).
5. Загальні вимоги до компетентності випробувальних та калібрувальних лабораторій: ДСТУ ISO/IES 17025:2006. – [чинний від 01-07-2007]. – К: Держспоживстандарт України, 2007. – 32с. – (Національний стандарт України).
6. Міжнародна анатомічна термінологія (латинські, українські, російські та англійські еквіваленти) / В.Г. Черкасов, І.І.Бобрик, Ю.Й. Гумінський, О.І. Ковальчук. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2010. – 392 с.
7. Закон України «Про основні принципи та вимоги до безпечності та якості харчових продуктів»: (офіц. текст: за станом на 05.07.2017) / Верховна Рада України. – Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР), 1998. – № 19, с. 98.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 18

18. Improvement of the method of sugars extracting from stems of sorghum
N. Grigorenko, N. Stangeeva
Pages: 150-153
The article presents results of studies aiming in improvement of sugar extraction from sorghum stems. It has been established that the combining the press method of extracting the sorghum juice with water extraction of sugars, more than 80% of the total sugars content can be removed from the stems of sorghum. Implementation of the developed method in the technology of complex processing of raw sugar from sorghum will significantly increase the output quality of products obtained.
Keywords: sweet sorghum, bagasse, sugar-containing product, juice extraction, water extraction, sugar
1. Григоренко Н.О. Шляхи пошуку розширення асортименту продукції цукрової галузі України / Н.О. Григоренко, В.О.Штангеєв, Л.М. Хомічак, І.Г. Гріненко // Цукор України. – К. – 2016. №6-7(126-127). – с.41-44.
2. Бурштейн А.И. Методы исследования пищевых продуктов / А.И. Бурштейн. ГосМедиздат УССР. – К.: 1963. – 587 с. 
3. Бугаенко И.Ф. Качество сахара и методы его контроля / И.Ф. Бугаенко. – М.: ООО «Аведа». 2009. –125 с.
4. Карташов А.К, Коваль Е.Т. Реакция свекловичной ткани на различные воздействия / Сахарная промышленность, 1955. №2. – с.12-15.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 19

19. Research of lyophilization influence on fertilizing culture for kefir
V. Gudyma, O. Naumenko 
Pages:  154-160
The influence of protective environments on the preservation of viable components of kebabs, kefir fungus and fertilizing cultures for kefir production during lyophilization is investigated. The composition of the protective medium with an additional content of buffer salts and growth promoters was developed, which ensured the survival rate of lactobacilli of at least 98% and yeast at least 87%. The milk clotting activity of fertilizing cultures after lyophilic drying was studied. It is found that they are capable of rapid fermenting milk for 8.2-9.0 h. Thus, the established fermentation cultures are promising for the production of direct-injection bacterial preparations for the production of kefir in industrial conditions due to the high activity of fermentation, the compliance of DSTU 4417 with the composition of the microflora and the sensorial characteristics of end products
Key words: protective environment, lyophilization, kefir, fungal kefir, fermentation culture, lactic acid bacteria, yeast
1. Witthuhn R. C. Evaluation of different preservation techniques on the storage potential of Kefir grains / R.C. Witthuhn,  A.Cilliers, T.J. Britz  // Journal of Dairy Research. – 2005. – Vol. 72. – P.125-128.
2. Дмитриченко М.И. Исследование технологического режима сублимационной сушки кефирных грибков и молочнокислых заквасок: автореферат дис-ции … к.т.н. –  Ленинград, 1971. – 26 с.
3. Кретов И.Т. Исследование процесса сублимационной сушки молочных заквасок / И.Т. Кретов, С.Т. Антипов, С.В. Шахов // Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья. – 1996. – №4. – С.15-16.
4. Горбачева Е.С. Пробиотические свойства природного микробного симбиоза напитка «Айран». – Автореферат дис-ции … к.б.н. – Ставрополь, 2008. – 17 с.
5. Carvalcho A.S. Protective effect of sorbitol and monosodium glutamate during storage of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria / A.S.Carvalcho, J. Silva, P. Teixeira, F.X. Malcata // Lait. – 2003. – Vol.83, N2. – P.203-210.
6. Nanasombat S. Improving viability of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria using lyoprotectectants in combination with osmotic and cold adaptation / S. Nanasombat, N. Sriwong // KMITL Sci. Tech. J. – 2007 . – Vol. 7, No. S1. – P.61-69.
7. Ямборко Г.В. Ефективність різних способів зберігання промислових штамів бактерій роду Lactobacillus / Г.В. Ямборко, І.Л. Соловйова // Мікробіологія і біотехнологія. – 2007. – №1. – С. 53-59.
8. Кігель Н.Ф. Вплив захисних середовищ на збереження життєздатності та ферментативної активності заквашувальних культур для простокваші / Н.Ф. Кігель, В.В.Малова // Вісник аграрної науки. – 2006. – №8. – С. 65-68.
9. Garrote G.L. Preservation of Kefir Grains, a Comparative Study / G.L. Garrote, A.G. Abraham, G.L. De Antoni  // Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie. – 1997. – Vol. 30, N1. – P. 77-84.
10. Лагода И.В. Исследование основных факторов при сублимационной сушке, влияющих на качество и стойкость заквасок молочнокислых бактерий. – Автореферат дис-ции … к.т.н. – Москва, 1972. – 24 с.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 20

20. The use of green tea and ginger extracts in the technology of beverages with increased biological value
K. Danilova, L. Tkachenko, O. Vitryak
Pages:  161-166
The article deals with improvement of beverages technology to increase their biological value. The technological aspects of producing green tea and ginger extracts, and the use of the composition of green tea and ginger in beverages technology were developed and analyzed. The chemical composition of developed extracts was calculated. It is proved that such addition improves the sensorial characteristics and increases the biological value of the beverages.
Key words: beverages, green tea, ginger, extract, composition, biological value
1. Школьникова М.Н. Гепапротекторный эффект настоев растительного сырья / [М.Н. Школьникова, И.Р. Фахретдинов, О.А.Данилова и др.] // Пиво и напитки. – 2011. – №2. – С.18-21.
2. Филонова Г.Л. Поликомпонентные концентраты для функциональных напитков / [Г.Л.Филонова, Б.А.Гришковский, И.Л.Ковалева и др.] // Пиво и напитки. – 2011. – №2. – С.10-13.
3. ДСТУ 8005:2015. Прянощі. Імбир. Технічні умови. – Введено 2017-01-01 – К.: Держспоживстандарт  України. – 2014. – 11 с.
4. ГОСТ 1939-90.Чай зеленый байховый фасованный. Технические условия. – Введено 1991-01-05 – М.: Изд-во стандартов. – 1990. – 6 с.
5. ДСТУ ISO 3103:2007 (ISO 3103:1980, IDT).Чай. Готування настою для сенсорних випробувань. – Введено 2009-01-01. – К.: Держспоживстандарт  України. – 2011. – 10 с.
6.Вековцев А.А. Производство сухих растительных экстрактов и оценка их качества / А.А. Вековцев, А.Н. Австриевских, Е.О. Ермолаева, В.М. Позняковский // Пиво и напитки. – 2005. – № 1. – С. 42-43.
7. Куликова В.Н. Имбирь – универсальный домашний доктор / В.Н. Куликова. – М.: РИПОЛ классик, 2011. – 64 с.
8. Шендеров Б.А. Чай и кофе – основа для создания функциональных напитков и продуктов питания / Б.А. Шендеров, А.Ф.Доронин // Пиво и напитки. – 2004. – № 2. – С. 94-97.
9. Напої з імбиром. Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу http: // dieta/rabochie-diety/chay-s-imbirem.html.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 21

21. Authenticity of organic dairy products: analysis of potential markers
Ya. Zhukova, P. Petrov 
Pages:  167-175
The analysis of studies of authentication of organic dairy products has shown that at present time the greatest differences had found for the compounds of the fat phase. In organic cheese, cream and butter, the content of trans-vaccenic acid was not less than 2.010 g/100 g of fat, conjugates of linoleic acid – 0.580 g/100 g, phytanic acid – from 200 mg/100 g of fat and above, α-linolenic acid – from 0.50 g/100 g of fat. Also, statistically significant differences were found for pristanic acid: in organic cheeses its content varied in the range of 42-71 mg/100 g fat, and for conventional – 26-57 mg/100 g fat. At the same time, it was found that the ratio of pristanic/phytanic acid and stereoisomers of phytanic acid are critical. The value of stable δ13C isotopes in the fat fraction, below -26.5 ‰, may indicate the organic origin of dairy products. However, partial overlapping of values in organic and conventional products can be explained by the features of the cattle diet. Therefore, the most promising direction is a complex analysis of fat and protein phases, mathematical comparison of the results of biochemical and physicochemical studies of organic products, which will create a reliable tool for confirming their authenticity.
Key words: authentication, organic dairy products, fatty acid composition, phytanic acid, stable isotopes
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2. Willer H., Lernoud J. The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2016. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and IFOAM – Organics International. – Bonn. – 2016. ISBN FiBL 978-3-03736-307-2 – ISBN IFOAM 978-3-944372-15-0.
3. Napolitano F., Braghieri, A., Piasentier, E., Favotto, S., Naspetti, S., Zanoli, R. Cheese liking and consumer willingness to pay as affected by information about organic production // Journal of dairy research. – 2010. – №77(03). – Рp. 280-286.
4. Capuano E. et al. Analytical authentication of organic products: an overview of markers //Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. – 2013. – Т. 93. – №. 1. – С. 12-28.
5. A decade of EU-funded, low-input and organic agriculture research (2000-2011). Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Biotechnologies, Agriculture, Food. – 2012. ISBN 978-92-79-20724-2. Доступ за посиланням: pdf/189756_ 2011_2695_a_decade_of_eu_en.pdf.
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8. Vetter W., Schröder M. Concentrations of phytanic acid and pristanic acid are higher in organic than in conventional dairy products from the German market //Food Chemistry. – 2010. – Т. 119. – №. 2. – С. 746-752.
9. Verhoeven N. M., Jakobs C. Human metabolism of phytanic acid and pristanic acid // Progress in lipid research. – 2001. – Т. 40. – №. 6. – С. 453-466.
10. Baars T., Schröder M., Kushe D., Vetter W. Phytanic acid content and SRR/RRR diastereomer ratio in milk from organic and conventional farms at low and high level of fodder input //Organic Agriculture. – 2012. – Т. 2. – №. 1. – С. 13-21.
11. Kaffarnik S., Shröder M., Lehnert K., Baars T., Vetter W. δ13С values and phytanic acid diastereomer ratios: combined evaluation of two markers suggested for authentication of organic milk and dairy products / S. Kaffarnik, // Eur Food Res Technol. – 2014. – 238. – Р.819-827. DOI 10.1007/s00217-014-2158-3.
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14. Molkentin J. Applicability of organic milk indicators to the authentication of processed products //Food chemistry. – 2013. – Т. 137. – №. 1. – С. 25-30.
15. Bergamo P. et al. Fat-soluble vitamin contents and fatty acid composition in organic and conventional Italian dairy products //Food Chemistry. – 2003. – Т. 82. – №. 4. – С. 625-631.
16. Camin F. Influence of dietary composition on the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope ratios of milk / F. Camin, M. Perini, G. Colombari, L. Bontempo, G.Versini // Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. – 2008. – №22. – Рp.16901696.
17. Bontempo L. H, C, N and O stable isotope characteristics of alpine forage, milk and cheese / L. Bontempo, G. Lombardi, R. Paoletti, L. Ziller, F. Camin // International Dairy Journal. – 2012. – №23. – Рp.99-104.
18. Molkentin J., Giesemann A. Differentiation of organically and conventionally produced milk by stable isotope and fatty acid analysis //Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. – 2007. – Т. 388. – №. 1. – С. 297-305.
19. Zhukova Ya., Demikhov Yu.M. , Petrov P., Petryshhenko S. Differences between the fatty acid composition and the isotope ratio 13C/12C the organic and conventional milk// Матеріали III Міжнародної наук.-практ. конференції «Продовольчі ресурси: проблеми та перспективи», Київ, 4 листопада 2015. – К.: ННЦ ІАЕ. – 2015. – 198 с.

Line Kerivnictvo

FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 22

22. Modern instrumental methods for the identification of gelatin in foodstuffs
Ya. Zhukova, P. Petrov, T. Kobylinskaya 
Pages: 176-188
Gelatin is widely used in various industrial fields due to its unique physico-chemical and structural properties. Since that most of produced gelatin is bovine and porcine origin, it is important to develop methods of its detection, because in some countries there are restrictions on the use of such products, according to religious and cultural traditions. An analysis of existing methods of gelatin detection has shown that each approach has advantages and disadvantages. Most of them are still being processed only in scientific institutions, in laboratory conditions, on unique equipment. The most promising are the methods of ELISA (the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), but their disadvantage is the impossibility of detecting gelatin in complex matrixes and in high-temperature treatment’s samples. Also, serious attention should be paid to molecular-genetic methods, exactly to polymerase chain reaction. They are reliable, effective and reproducible. However, due to the considerable variability in the origin of gelatin and the variety of its chemical modifications, these methods require constant primers updating and complicated validation. Rapid development of nanotechnology stimulates using of spectral and chromatographic approaches of gelatin detection, which are convenient and high-precision, but require high purity of the test samples. Thus, the determination of the content and species of origin of gelatin is an extremely important issue in the field of food quality and safety control, which, at present, is insufficiently studied.
Key words: chromatography, gelatin, electrophoresis, ELISA, spectroscopy
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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 23

23. Electrochemical activation in processes of alcohol production from starch containing raw materials 
N. Zub, L. Palianytsia, N. Berezovska, R. Kosiv 
Pages:  189-194
The main task of the food industry is to intensify and improve technology in order to maximize the use of valuable raw materials and increase output of the target product. Analysis of literary sources shows that the electrochemical activation of water and aqueous solutions makes it possible to reliably change their acid-base, oxidation-reduction and catalytic properties, which ensures creation of optimal conditions for conducting technological process and saving of raw materials. The purpose of the work was to investigate the influence of catholyte and anolyte in the composition of wheat batch on the chemical and technological parameters of wort and mash. As a result of experimental studies, it has been found that electrochemically activated water, namely catholyte and anolyte, in the composition of wheat batch, reduces the dynamic viscosity of the wort by 5,6 %, reduces the content of total carbohydrates by 13,1 % and unsaturated starch by 15,6 % in mash, and also increase alcohol content by 1,9% (relative) relative to control.
Key words: starch containing raw material, wheat, electrochemically activated water, catholyte, anolyte, enzymes of amylolytic action, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, wort, fermentation, alcohol
1. Маринченко, В.О. Технологія спирту. / В.О. Маринченко, В.А. Домарецький, П.Л. Шиян, В.М. Швець, П.С. Циганков, І.Д.Жолнер. / Під ред. проф. В.О.Маринченка. – Вінниця: «Поділля-2000», 2003. – 496 с.
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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 24

24. The review of innovative biotechnologies of the starter cultures and bacterial preparations of the Institute Food Resources of NAAS
N. Kigel, S. Danylenko, O. Naumenko, O. Potemska
Pages: 195-202
Characteristics of biotechnology of starter cultures for production of a wide range of traditional and functional fermented dairy products and bacterial preparations for raw and smoked meat products are given. Particular attention is paid to microorganisms and their compositions. It was noted that starter cultures for traditional dairy products maximally reproduce the composition and characteristic sensorial characteristics, while for functional products the main emphasis is made on biological activity. Starter preparations for cheeses are of different original microbial composition and provide stable course of the technological process and high quality of the finished product. A protective culture is an effective mean to neutralize oleaginous acid bacteria and to eliminate cheese deficienciy – later swelling. The feature of preparations for meat products is the content of lactic acid bacteria and coagulase-negative cocci, the attraction of which activates the fermentation of meat raw materials and reduces the content of nitrites.
Keywords: starter culture, fermented foods, biotechnology, microorganisms
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