FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 25

25. Summarizing demands to safety and quality of foods in normative documents important for regulation of food security issues 
K. Kopylova, S. Verbytskyi, O. Verbova 
Pages:  203-210
Food safety and quality take an important place among the criteria for food security. In particular, an important issue is the achievement of proper physical and chemical parameters of food products used for state reservation. As a result of the research carried out, it is considered advisable to develop special standards that will normalize the specifications for food products intended for reservation, or to complement existing standards with provisions that contain special requirements for the foods being used for reservation purposes. To rationalize the fulfillment of this task, the "Database of food products dealing with food security issues of the state and their characteristics" was developed. The said database is compiled in accordance with the requirements for food safety and quality in the following groups: meat and meat products, canned meat and meat, dairy canned and dried milk products, butter, frozen fish, canned fish, cereals and flour, bakery products and flour, butter and fatty foods, sugar, tea. For all specified groups of food products and food raw materials represented by the current standards, typical lists of safety and quality indicators are given.
Key words: food safety, food security, quality of foods, standards, state reservation, technical regulation
1. FAO (1996). Rome Declaration on World Food Security and World Food Summit: Plan of Action, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Italy.
2. Augustin, M. A., Riley, M., Stockmann, R., Bennett, L., Kahl, A., Lockett, T. & Cobiac, L. (2016). Role of food processing in food and nutrition security. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 56, 115-125.
3. Duarte Urbina, Yaritza Evelyn y Paula Sobeyda Vargas. Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional. Diss. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, 2016. P. 8-10.
4. Sun D. W. (ed.). Handbook of frozen food processing and packaging. – CRC Press, 2016. P. xi.
5. Bal-Prylypko, L.V. Innovatsiyni tekhnologiyi yakisnykh ta bezpechnykh myasnykh vyrobiv: monografiya [Innovative technologies of high-quality and safe meat products: monograph] / L.V. Bal-Prylypko – Kyiv. – NULES of Ukraine. – 2012. – 207 p. (In Ukrainian).
6. Sistema prodovolstvennoy bezopasnosti: zakonomernosti formirovaniya i faktory razvitiya [System of food security: principals of forming and factors of development] / Z.M.Ilyina [et al.]; Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus, Center of agrarian economics. – Minsk: Institute of economics of NAS of Belarus, 2007. – 111 p. (In Russian).
7. García, A.C. Figuras, normas y protocolos de calidad como herramienta de mejora de la seguridad alimentaria [Figures, standards and quality protocols as a tool to improve food safety] / Ángel Caracuel García // Anales de la Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias de Andalucía – Vol. 17 (1). – Dic. 2004 / – P. 229-245. (In Spanish).
8. Verbytskyi, S.B. Tekhnichni aspekty garantuvannia prodovolchoyi bezpeky: rol tekhnichnogo reguliuvannia [Technical aspects of guaranteeing food security: role of technical regulation] / S.B. Verbytskyi // Prodovolchi resursy – Food resources. – № 6. – 2016. – P. 79-86. (In Ukrainian).
9. Cruz, J.C. Sistemas de certificación de la calidad en el sector agroalimentario español [Systems of certification of quality in agrifood sector] / J.C. Cruz, B. Lucena, M.A. Méndez, F.Cáceres // Distribución y Consumo, 2004. – № 76 (Jul-Ago), P. 23-39. (In Spanish).
10. Barlösius, Eva (Ed.): Skandal oder Kontinuität: Anforderungen an eine öffentliche Ernährungskommunikation [Scandal or continuity: requirements for public food communication] / Eva Barlösius (Ed.); Regine Rehaag (Ed.) // WZB Discussion Paper, No. SP I 2006-306. – 120 S. (In German).
11. Tarasiuk, O.B. Derzhavnyy rezerv, yak skladova systemy prodovolchoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny [State reserve, as a constituent of the system if food security of Ukraine] / O.B.Tarasiuk, O.O. Kasianova // Aktualni problemy ekonomiky – Actual problems of economics. – № 8 (134). – 2012. – P. 146-149. (In Ukrainian).
12. Verbytskyi, S.B. Prodovolch bezpeka ta agropromyslovyy kompleks: zasadnychi pryntsypy ta mozhlyvist yikhnioyi realizatsiyi u praktytsi tekhnichnogo reguliuvannia [Food security and agroindustrial complex: basic principles and possibility of their implementation in practice of technical regulation] / S.B. Verbytskyi, O.V. Cherniak, N.M. Patsera // Prodovolchi resursy – Food resources. – № 7. – 2016. – P. 79-86. (In Ukrainian).
13. Pro derzhavnyy materyalnyy rezerv Ukrayiny. Zakon Ukrayiny vid 24.01.1997 №51/97-ВР [On the state material reserve of Ukraine. Law of Ukraine of 24 January 1997 №51/97-ВР] // Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny – Gazette of the Supreme Council of Ukraine. – 1997. – № 13. – P. 97-80. (In Ukrainian).
14. Kopylova, K.V. Obgruntuvannia neobkhidnosti udoskonalennia tekhnichnykh umov zberigannia myasnoyi syrovyny, rezervovanoyi dlia garantuvannia prodovolchoyi bezpeky derzhzavy [Substantiation of the necessity to enhance technical conditions of raw meats storage when they are used to guarantee food security of the state] / K.V. Kopylova, S.B. Verbytskyi, O.V.Cherniak // Prodovolchi resursy – Food resources. – № 8. – 2017. – P. 9-16. (In Ukrainian).
15. Zakon Ukrayiny “Pro vnesennia zmin dodeyakyh zakonodavchyh aktiv Ukrayiny shchodo kharchovych produktiv” № 1602-VII vid 22.07.2014 “On amending certain legislative acts of Ukraine on food products” № 1602-VII of 22 July 2014 // Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Ukrayiny – Gazette of the Supreme Council of Ukraine. – 2014. − № 41-42. – P. 20−24. (In Ukrainian).
16. DC 004:2008 Ukrayinskiy klasyfikator normatyvnykh dokumentiv [Ukrainian Classifier of Regulatory Documents]. – Valid from 01 April 2009 – Kyiv – Derzhspozhyvstandart Ukrayiny. – 2009. – 104 p. (In Ukrainian).

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 26

26. Research of nutritional value of students’ diet aiming at its further optimization
T. Kos, K. Kopylova
Pages: 211-214
The evaluation of the state of health and actual students’ diet is made. Deficiency of important nutrients that lead to poor health, the emergence of signs of fatigue and so on is found. The data obtained make it possible to optimally adjust the diet of a student, to reduce the risk of signs of fatigue, to enhance individual adaptation factor to psycho-emotional stress during training and thus to improve performance.
Key words: nutrients, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibres, diet
1. Вторая Международная конференция Лучше питание – лучше качество жизни. 19-21 ноября 2014 года, Рим, Италия. Режим доступа: meetings/icn2/ru/.
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3. Основи фізіології та гігієни харчування: Метод. рекомендації до підготовки практичних занять для студ. спец. 6.091700 ден. форми навч. / уклад.: Л.О. Федоренченко, Г.О. Сімахіна, Н.П. Івчук, С.А. Бажай. – К.: НУХТ, 2004. – 26 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 27

27. Perspective directions for processing of fruit of tomatoes
І. Kuznetchova, М. Yarmolyuk
Pages:  215-221
World research on the peculiarities of the chemical composition of fruit tomatoes and the influence on their quality of the soil-climatic conditions of tomato cultivation, varietal characteristics and degree of maturity are reviewed. It is noted that current normative and technical documentation in Ukraine does not include the definition of substances of functional action. It is shown that tomatoes are promising vegetable raw materials for the production of functional food products and the directions of lycopene-containing products from tomato fruits are determined.
Key words: fruit tomatoes, lycopene, functional food products, quality
1. Furuta, S. Flurometric assay for sereening antioxidative activity of vegetables / S. Furuta, Y. Nishiba, J. Suda // J. Food Sci. – Vol. 62. – № 3. – P. 526-528.
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3. Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Liu Y, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. A prospective study of tomato products, lycopene, and prostate cancer risk. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002 Mar 6;94(5):391-398.
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11. Schindler Mickaela Phenolik compounds in tomatoes. Natural variations and effect of gamma-irradiation / M. Schindler, S.Solar, G. Sontag [Institute for Analytical Chemistry, University of Vienna] // Eur. Food Res. And Technol. – 2005. – № 3-4. – С. 439-445.
12. Hernandez Suarez, M. Mineral and trace element concentrations in cultivates of tomatoes / M. Hernandez Suarez, E.M.Rodriguez Rodriguez, C. Diaz Romero // Food Chem. – 2007. – № 2. – С. 489-499.
13. Смирнов Г.М. Накопление нитратов некоторыми овощными и кормовыми культурами при равных уровнях азотного питания / Г.М. Смирнов, С.Д. Базилевич, В.А.Ракипова, Л.В. Обуховская // Кач-во овощ. и бахчев. культур. – С. 128-132.
14. Гавриш С.Ф. Томат: обробка та переробка продукції / С.Ф. Гавриш, С. Н. Галкина // Продукти харчування. – 2005. – №5. – С. 15-18.
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23. Вплив технологічної обробки на вміст лікопіну та його антиоксидантну активність в томатах / G.R. Takeoka [et al.] // J.Agr. and Food Chem. – 2001. – 49, № 8. – Р. 3713-3717.
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25. Подобед, В.М. Современная антиоксидантная терапия / В.М. Подобед // Новости экспертизы и регистрации. 2007. № 10.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 28

28. Research of biochemical processes during storage of beer and ways to increase its firmness
A. Meletiyev, K. Danilova, S. Oliynychuk
Pages: 222-227
Biochemical processes taking place in the prepared beer during its storage are investigated in the article.Microbiological composition of the unpasteurized and pasteurized beer is determined. It is shown that pasteurization is an effective method providing biological firmness of beer. For the estimation of influence of the long term storage of the unpasteurized and pasteurized light beer on its colloid firmness of physical and chemical indexes a research was. Test results after 2 months of storage showed the increase of acidity, turbidity, decline sizeofbittertaste that can be explained by development of oxidizing processes in beer. The amount of amine nitrogen in beer at the protracted storage did not change.
Keywords: pasteurized beer, unpasteurized beer, biological firmness, colloid firmness, microbiological, physical and chemical indexes
1. Гловачек, Ф. Пивоварение / Ф. Гловачек, А. Лхотский – М.: Пищевая пром-сть, 1977. – 623 с.
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3. Покровская, Н.В. Биологическая и коллоидная стойкость пива / Н.В. Покровская, Я.Д. Каданер – М.: Пищевая пром-сть, 1978. – 272 с.
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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 29

29.Study of spelt and pumpkin flour influence on bread consumer characteristics
S. Mykolenko, Y. Hez’
Pages:  228-234
The article is devoted to the prospects of using non-traditional raw materials in bread technology, namely spelt flour and fat-free pumpkin seeds flour as functional additives that enable to improve the nutritional value of the finished product. The review of recent research and publications concerning the influence of non-traditional types of raw materials on biological value and indicators of bread freshness is carried out. The study was aimed to identify the biological value of non-traditional types of flour raw materials and changes in consumer characteristics for finished products during their storage. The mineral composition of flour made from wheat, spelt, pumpkin seeds is determined. The article reveals the influence of spelt and pumpkin flour on the degree of bread staleness during storage, namely the change of moisture content, crumbness and swelling index of crumb. The results of the differential-thermal analysis of developed products are presented. The nutritional value of bread made with use of non-traditional flour raw materials is determined.
Keywords: spelt flour, fat-free pumpkin seeds flour, mineral composition, freshness of bread, nutritional value
1. Дробот, В.І. Порівняльна характеристика хімічного складу та технологічних властивостей суцільнозмеленого пшеничного борошна та борошна спельти / В.І. Дробот, Л.А. Михонік, А.Б. Семенова // Хранение и переработка зерна. – 2014. – № 4. – С. 37-39.
2. Крюков, Е.В. Исследование химического состава полбяной муки / Е.В. Крюков, Н.В. Лейберова, Е.И. Лихачева. // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Пищевые и биотехнологии. – 2014. – №2. – С. 75-81.
3. Столярчук, В.М. Вплив гарбузового борошна на хлібопекарські властивості пшеничного / В.М. Столярчук. // Технологии и оборудование пищевых производств. – 2010. – №5. – С. 66-68.
4. Нестерова, О.В. Стандартизация семян тыквы и препаратов из них: дис. канд. фарм. наук : 15.00.02 / Нестерова О.В. – Москва, 1990. – 148 с.
5. Рехвиашвили, Э.И. Биотехнологические аспекты производства хлеба с добавлением порошка календулы лекарственной (caléndula officinális) / Э.И. Рехвиашвили, С.А. Гревцова, М.Ю. Кабулова, М.К. Айлярова. // Аграрный вестник Урала. – 2014. – №1. – С. 63-65.
6. Мардар, М.Р. Зміни споживних властивостей хліба з цільного зерна пшениці з включенням коренеплідних овочів у процесі зберігання / М.Р. Мардар, Н.Р. Кордзая // Харчова наука і технологія. – 2011. – №1. – С. 85-87.
7. Тхазеплов, Ф.Х. Влияние внесения спирулины на процесс черствения хлебобулочных изделий из пшенично-ячменной муки / Ф.Х. Тхазеплов, З.А. Иванова. // Успехи современной науки и образования. – 2016. – №10. – С. 41-43.
8. Миколенко, С.Ю. Дослідження хлібопекарських властивостей спельтового та гарбузового борошна при використанні плазмохімічно активованої води / С.Ю.Миколенко, Я.В. Гезь. // Продовольчі ресурси. Збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – №7. – С. 170-177.
9. Зубар, Н.М. Основи фізіології та гігієни харчування: Підручник. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2010. 336 с.
10. Півоваров, О.А. Дериватографічні дослідження тіста, приготованого з використанням плазмохімічно активованих водних розчинів / О.А. Півоваров, С.Ю. Миколенко // Харчова наука і технологія. – 2011. – № 3. – С. 69-72.
11. Макарова, О.В. Вплив компонентів рецептури на зміни показників якості зернового хліба при зберіганні / О.В.Макарова, Г.Ф. Пшенишнюк, Г.С. Іванова, А.І. Левицька. // Наукові праці ОНАХТ. – 2012. – №42. – С. 129-133.
12. Луньова, О.С. Дослідження впливу жиру на збереження свіжості безбілкового хліба / О.С. Луньова, О.Г. Дьяков, О.І.Торяник. // Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. – 2012. – №1. – С. 196-204.
13. Дробот, В. І. Використання житньо-солодового екстракту й ферментного препарату Новаміл як засобів проти черствіння / В.І. Дробот, Т.А. Сильчук. // Хранение и переработка зерна. – 2003. – №4. – С. 50-51.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 30

30. Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbiological and Functional Aspects to search bioactive strains
О. Naumenko
Pages: 235-243
Modern methodological approaches were applied and strains of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus with high biological activity level, perspective in functional dairy products manufacturing, were selected.The high biological potential of lactic acid bacteria selected cultures was determined, which is capable of ensuring the stability of technological process flow and bacterial agents’ essential characteristics and their fermented products. Experiments in vitro showed that selected strains were characterized by valuable industrial properties, namely the ability to reduce the level of cholesterol and lactose during development in milk, the resistance to virulent bacteriophages and gastrointestinal tract aggressive compounds, the high antagonistic and adhesive activity. On the basis of studies technological passports on strains were made, the deposit of strains was held in in National collection of industrial microorganisms of Institute of Microbiology and Virology of Zabolotny of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.
Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, selection, adhesive activity, cholesterol, virulent bacteriophage
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2. Poltavs’ka O.A. Screening of strains of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria for probiotic properties / O.A. Poltavs’ka, N.K.Kovalenko, Ì.G. Uspens’kij // Mіkrobіologіya і bіotekhnologіya. – 2011, N 1. – Рp. 6-16. (In Ukrainian).
3. Gudkov A.V. Syirodelie: tehnologicheskie, biologicheskie i fiziko-himicheskie aspektyi / A.V. Gudkov. – Moskva: Deli print, 2004. – 250 р. (In Russian).
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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 31

31. Impact of technological factors on viscosity of rye wort
S. Oliynichuk, N. Protsan, L. Tkachenko
Pages:  244-248
The results of research of technological factors influence on viscidity of rye wort during preparation of him to spirit fermentation are given in the article. Also optimal technological parameters (degree of growing of grain of rye, temperature and duration of hydro-enzymatic of premix) are ascertained. It is proven that certain technological factors have substantial influence on the rheological parameters of rye wort and give an opportunity to improve work of enzymes of α- amylase action and intensify the process of hydro-enzymatic treatment, this being confirmed by the parameters of mature wort.
Key words: mature wort, rye, rye wort , viscosity, wort 
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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 9. Article 32

32. Determination of food value of milk products: present-day views and methodical recommendations
I. Romanchuk, A. Minorova, L. Moiseyeva, N. Krushelnytska
Pages: 249-254
The problem of methodical providing manufacturers with recommendations on nutritional and energy value calculation for milk products is updated by the authors basing at the analysis of normative documents. Application of unified rules to mark production characteristics these adding certain nutritional qualities will let providing consumers with reliable information and avoiding unfair competition. The authors specified the necessity to harmonize national normative documents according to the recommendations of Codex Alimentarius.
Key words: milk products, nutritional value, energy value, characteristics of products, marking
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