FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 26

  • Друк
26. Potential of meat processing industry in the structure of Ukraine's food industry
H. Lysenko
Pages: 182-192
This article analyzes the production potential and raw material potential of the food industry and its individual sectors with an emphasis on meat processing industry. The availability and condition of fixed assets of food industry in dynamic and compared to the industry are considered. Depreciation (amortization) of fixed assets and the degree of depreciation of fixed assets of food industry are analyzed. The capacity utilization in the areas of food production is explored. The employment potential of the food industry and its subsectors is estimated. In particular, number of employees and their average wages compared to the average wage in industry and the average wage in Ukraine is analyzed. The raw material potential of the food industry and its particular sectors is estimated. The general harvesting area and crop capacity of major agricultural crops used as raw materials for the food industry are analyzed. The manufacturing of different types of meat products and changes in the number of animals are considered in dynamic. It is found that Ukraine is importing raw materials for the meat industry and prepared meat products, as domestic producers are not able to provide the country with these products yourself.
Key words: food industry, meat processing industry, meat, meat products, production potential, raw material potential, fixed assets, production capacity, employment potential, crop capacity, total harvesting area, export, import
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