FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 23

23. Justification of growth option for bakery products market in Ukraine
O. Bokiy
Pages: 149-160
In terms of bakery market saturation and the decline in industrial production of unprofitable enterprises, the issue of identifying key market indicators and their forecasting studying areas of the market are becoming more important. Exogenous and endogenous risk factors inherent in the market of bakery products are discovered. A SWOT-analysis of the market of bakery products is fulfilled, its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats are adduced. The main objectives and priorities of the market are determined. The most important factors of positive influence on infrastructure market environment that contribute to effective market development are considered. Benchmarks that determine the effectiveness of the market bakery are established, an estimate is made. Measures to improve the operation and development of the bakery are provided. The directions of the market of bakery products, including the strengthening of the open non-industrial producers of healthy food trends, efficient market pricing mechanism and others are justified.
Key words: Market of bakery products, control indicator of market, strategy of development, risks, market pricing mechanism, loss of work
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