FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 20

  • Друк
20. Use of sesame flour in the technology of sponge cake of functional purpose
A. Abramova, K. Rubanka, O. Pysarets
Pages: 132-137
Necessity of creating confectionery special dietary purposes through the use of physiologically functional raw ingredients was found. The purpose of this work is theoretical and experimental substantiation of rational use of the products of sesame processing in the technology of flour confectionery products. The possibility of use of sesame meal in sponge cake technology was researched. The change of structural parameters of sponge cake dough and finished products was found. The change in the density and viscosity of the sponge cake dough, when introduced into the composition of prescription sponge cake dough sesame meal was studied. The sensory quality of the developed products was assessed.
Key words: functional food product, flour confectionery products, sponge cake, technology, sesame flour
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