FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 04

04. The mathematical model of filtering process at low concentration suspension
Y. Orlyuk, M.M. Shynkaryk, O.I. Kravets
Pages: 29-35
The aim of the work was to build a mathematical model of filtering process at low concentration suspension with clogging pores by many particles, also constant height of sediment layer is presented. The coefficients which allow to consider the deviation from cylindrical form capillaries and the number of particles that clog given capillaries are offered. The mathematical model allows to determine the length of the filtering process based on the volume of suspension, and to set the rational period between regenerations of self-purifying filter element. Comparing the parameters obtained by mathematical modelling to the real process of filtering milk whey indicates that the mathematical model adequately reflects the separation process of suspension on the filter with self-purifier filter element with the volume of filtrate from 0 to 10 m3 per 1 m2 filter surface. The average relative deviation of the results obtained with the help of the mathematical model of the experiment is 19 %. The mathematical model can be applied for calculating parameters of the process of suspension filtering on the filter with self-purifying filter element.
Key words: suspension, filtration, capillary, pores, regeneration
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