FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 09

09. Development of integrated technology for processing of plant raw materials, derived from sugar sorgo
N. Grigorenko, V. Stangeev, L. Kupchik, L. Kotynska
Pages: 64-68
The article substantiates the expediency of complex processing of sugar sorghum to produce a sugar-containing product from juice, and from secondary raw materials sorbets. Methods are developed and optimal parameters are determined for obtaining sorbets. The sorption properties of modified bagasse in relation to cations of heavy metals are studied.
Key words: sweet sorghum, bagasse, heavy metal ions, sugar-containing product, sorbents
1. Герасименко О.А. Методи аналізу і контролю у виробництві цукру / О.А. Герасименко, Т.П. Хвалковський. – К.: Вища школа, 1992. – 388 с.
2. Ковальчук В.П. Сборник методов исследования почв и растений/В.П. Ковальчук, В.Г. Васильев, Л.В. Бойко, В.Д.Зосимов. – К.: Труд-ГриПол –XXI вік, 2010.  252 с.
3. Шарков В.И. Количественный химический анализ растительного сырья / В.И. Шарков, Н.И. Куйбина, Ю.П. Соловьева.  М.: Изд. «Лесная промышленность», 1998. 60 с.
4. Бурштейн А.И. Методы исследования пищевых продуктов / А.И. Бурштейн. ГосМедиздат УССР. – К.: 1963. – 587 с. 
5. Адсорбция из растворов на поверхности твердых тел / Под ред. Г. Парфита,  Киев: Рочестера, 1986. – С. 488.
6. ДСТУ 20255.1-09. Іоніти: Методи визначення обмінної ємності 2009:6.
7. Крицкий А.Н. Силос из соргового жома – отходы сорго сиропногопроизводства / А.Н. Крицкий, Т.И. Елизарова // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. – Воронеж: ФГОУ ВПО ВГАУ, 2010.  С.24-26.
8. Nimbkar N. Syrup Production from Sweet Sorgum / N. Nimbkar, N.M. Kolekar, J. H. Akade, A. K. Rajvanshi // Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Phaltan. September 2006. s.10. 
9. Конкурентні переваги агробізнесу в альтернативних джерелах енергії. Кернасюк Ю. // Агробізнес сьогодні. – 2014.  №18(289). Ел.версія:
10. Григоренко Н.О. Шляхи пошуку розширення асортименту продукції цукрової галузі України / Н.О. Григоренко, В.О.Штангеєв, Л.М. Хомічак, І.Г. Гріненко // Цукор України. – К. – 2016.  № 6-7 (126-127). – С. 41-44.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 10

10. Comparison of biological value calculation methods of organic and conventional milk protein
P. Petrov, Ya. Zhukova, F. Lystopad
Pages: 69-80
Due to the rapid development of organic milk and dairy products’ production in Ukraine and in the world, the impact of the organic management type on the biological value of milk protein is becoming urgent. The aim of this work was to compare the effects of cattle feeding rations and season on studied organic and conventional farms on the amino acid composition of milk and biological value of milk protein. In the study two approaches to assess the protein’s biological value – PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score, 1991) and DIAAS (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score, 2013), both approved by the joint Expert Commission of The Food and Agriculture Organization and The World Health Organization were used. The calculation methodology by PDCAAS showed similar values – 0.72 and 0.71 in the indoor period for organic and conventional milk and 0.53 and 0.49 respectively during the outdoor period. The calculation methodology by DIAAS indicated that the values were lower compared to those of PDCAAS, and were 0.68 and 0.67 in the indoor period for organic and conventional milk, respectively, and 0.50 and 0.43 during the outdoor period. Thus, a novel approach for calculating protein biological value, DIAAS, , could assess the biological value of a protein more accurately comparing to previous type of calculation, due to using of ileal digestibility coefficient.
Key words: amino acid composition, organic milk, evaluation of biological value of a protein, DIAAS, PDCAAS.
1. Dietary protein quality evaluation in human nutrition. Report of an FAO Expert Consultation. – Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. – 2013. ISSN 0254-4725.
2. Council Regulation (EC) № 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 // Official Journal of the European Union, L 189, 20 July 2007.
3. Commission Regulation (EC) № 889/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and control// Official Journal of the European Union, L 250, 18 September 2008.
4. Higher PUFA and n-3 PUFA, conjugated linoleic acid, α-tocopherol and iron, but lower iodine and selenium concentrations in organic milk: a systematic literature review and meta- and redundancy analyses / Średnicka-Tober D., Barański M., Seal C., Sanderson R., Bembrook C. [et al.] // British Journal of Nutrition, Mar. – 2016. – Vol. 115(6), 1043-60. doi:10.1017/S0007114516000349.
5. Petrov P.I. The effects of dairy management on quality characteristics of milk / P.I. Petrov, Ya.F. Zhukova, Yu.M. Demikhov // Turkish Journal of Agriculture Food Science and Technology. – 4(9): 782-786, 2016.
6. Fatty acid, amino acid and mineral composition of milk from Nguni and local crossbred cows in South Africa / Mapekula M., Chimonyo M., Mapiye C., Dzama K. // Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. – 2011. – Vol. 24. – P.529-536. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2011.01.014.
7. Шаповалов С.В. Белковость и сыропригодность молока коров разныхпород / С.В.Шаповалов, А.-Б. Камиль // ВІСНИК Полтавської державної аграрної академії. – 2012. – №4. С.69-73.
8. Amino acid composition of the milk of some mammalian species. Changes with the stage of lactation / T.A.Davis, H.V.Nguyen, R.Garcia-Bravo, M.L. Fiorotto, E.M.Jackson, P.J. Reeds // British Journal of Nutrition. – 1994. – Vol.72. – Р.845-853. DOI: 10.1079/BJN19940089.
9. The Effect of Ruminal Bypass Lysine and Methionine on Milk Yield and Composition of Lactating Cows / Xu S., Harrison J.H.,Chalupa W., Sniffen C., Julien W., Sato H.‚ Fujieda T., Watanabe K.‚ Ueda K., Suzuki H. // Journal of Dairy Science. – 1998. – Vol. 81, 106-1077.
10. Influence of Dietary Protein Sources on the Amino Acid Profiles Available for Digestion and Metabolism in Lactating Cows // King K. J., HuberJ.T., Sadik M., Bergen W.G., Grant A.L., King V.L. // Journal of Dairy Science. – 1990. – Vol.73. – P.3208-3216.
11. Influence of Source and Amount of Dietary Protein on Milk Yieldby Cows in Early Lactation / Cunningham K.D., Cecava M.J., Johnson T.R., Ludden P.A. // Journal of Dairy Science. – 1990. – Vol.73. – P.3208-3216.
12. Composition of Swedish dairy milk / Lindmark-Mansson H., FondenR., Pettersson H.-E. // International Dairy Journal. – 2003. – Vol.13. – P. 40-425. doi:10.1016/S0958-6946(03)00032-3.
13. Ideal amino acid profiles as a basis for feed protein evaluation / S.Boisen, T. Hvelplund, M.R. Weisbjerg // Livestock Production Science. – 2000. – Vol.64. Р.239-251.14. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Subcommittee on Dairy Cattle Nutrition, Committee on Animal Nutrition, Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, U.S. 7th rev.ed. – 2001. ISBN 0-309-06997-1.
15. Protein And Amino Acid Requirements In Human Nutrition. Report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU Expert Consultation. WHO Technical Report Series 935. – Geneva, Switzerland. – 2002. – ISSN 0512-3054.
16. Protein quality evaluation in human diets. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,1991 (FAO Food and Nutrition Paper No. 51).
17. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) / Heuzé V., Tran G., Boval M., NobletJ., Renaudeau D., Lessire M., Lebas F. // Feedipedia. – 2016. Доступ за посиланням:
18. Carrot (Daucus carota) / Tran G. // Feedipedia. – 2016. Доступ за посиланням:
19. Faba bean (Vicia faba) / Heuzé V., Tran G., Delagarde R., Lessire M., Lebas F. // Feedipedia. – 2016. Доступ за посиланням:
20. Sunflower meal / Heuzé V., Tran G., Hassoun P., Lessire M., Lebas F. // Feedipedia. – 2016. Доступ за посиланням:
21. Straws / Heuzé V., Tran G., Nozière P., Bastianelli D. // Feedipedia. – 2016. Доступ за посиланням:
22. Milk Quality / Harding F. – Springer. – 2013. ISBN 1461521955, 9781461521952.
23. Лисицын А.Б. Методы практической биотехнологии. Анализ компонентов и микропримесей в мясных и других пищевых продуктах / А.Б.Лисицын, А.Н.Иванкин, А.Д. Неклюдов. – Москва. ВНИИМП. – 2002. ISBN 5–901768–06 –Х.
24. The assessment of amino acid digestibility in foods for humans and including a collation of published ileal amino acid digestibility data for human foods. / Gilani S., Tomé D., Moughan P. and Burlingame B. // Report of a Sub-Committee of the 2011 FAO Consultation on “Protein Quality Evaluation in Human Nutrition”. – 2012. Доступ за посиланням:

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 11

11. The benefits of milk whey application in the technology of wheat-corn bread
O. Pisarets, A. Semenova, V. Drobot
Pages: 81-85
The article presents investigation results of acid milk whey influence on quality of bread from wheat-corn flour mix and the processes occurring in bread during its storage. The use of both separate application of acid milk whey for improving baking goods quality, and in combination with the partial or whole brewing of the corn flour are analyzed. The effect of the applied technological methods on the finished products quality and the duration of their freshness preservation are studied. Bread friability, hydrophilic properties of bread crumb and the quantity content of aromatic substances are determined. By the research the conclusions are made about the optimal way of making bread from wheat-corn flour mixture.
Key words: bread, corn flour, brewing, acid milk whey, flour mix
1. Новоселов, С.Н. Использование кукурузы в пищевой промышленности/ С.Н. Новоселов // Пищевая промышленность. – 2003. – № 1. – С. 54-55.
2. Жигунов, Д.А. Мучные смеси из зерновых культур. / Д.А. Жигунов, О.С. Волошенко. – Одесса: Освіта України, 2013. – 156 с.
3. Лакіза, О.В. Особливості сучасного виробництва хлібобулочних виробів з додаванням продуктів переробки зерна кукурудзи / О.В. Лакіза, Л.В. Сидорчук / Хранение и переработка зерна. – 2016. – № 12 (208). – С. 52-55.
4. Павлов, В.А. Новые методы переработки молочной сыворотки / В.А.Павлов – М. : Росагропромиздат, 1990. – 152 с.
5. Быковская, Г.В. В центре внимания – сыворотка // Молочная промышленность. – 2012. – № 11. – С.42.
6. Лабораторний практикум з технології хлібопекарського та макаронного виробництв : навч. посіб. / В.І. Дробот, Л.Ю.Арсеньєва, О.А. Білик та ін. ; за ред. В.І. Дробот. – К. : Центр навч. літ-ри, 2006. – 341 с.
7. Технохімічний контроль сировини та хлібобулочних і макаронних виробів навч. посіб. / В.І. Дробот, В.Г. Юрчак, О.А. Білик та ін. / за ред. чл.-кор. НААН В.І. Дробот. – К.: Кондор-Видавництво, 2015. – 972 с.
8. Горячева, А.Ф. Сохранение свежести хлеба / А.Ф. Горячева, Р.В. Кузьминский. — М.: Легкая и пищевая пром-сть, 1983. – 240 с.
9. Роте, М. Аромат хлеба / М. Роте; пер. с нем. Н.Г. Еникеевой и Э.Я. Вейцель; под ред. Л.Я. Ауэрмана. – М.: Пищ. пром-сть, 1988. – 230 с.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 12

12. Study and content dependence of bone inclusions mechanically poultry separate from temperature and type of raw material
S. Bondar, L. Voitsekhivska, S.B. Verbytskyi, Y. Okhrimenko, T. Klyschova, S. Sokolova
Pages: 86-92
In the article a survey of modern equipment for the separation of meat and bone mass and practical analysis of recent studies of the impact of technological factors and basic properties of various raw materials upon quality and food safety of poultry meat, mechanically separated produced on tape separators of «Baader» type. The effect of temperature on certain raw materials output and safety performance of mechanically separated poultry meat is studied. It is found that the optimum temperature of raw material is from minus 2°C to + 6°C. Analysis of the data allows determining the optimal temperature ranges for different types of materials.
Key words: output, temperature, bone inclusions, mechanically separated poultry meat, tape separators.
1. Абалдова, В.А. Использование прессов механической обвалки при производстве продукции из мяса птицы / В.А.Абалдова // доклады третьей международной научно-технической конференции «Пища. Экология. Человек». – М.: 1999. – С. 110-112.
2. Гоноцкий, В.А. Мясо птицы механической обвалки / В.А. Гоноцкий, Л.П. Федина, В.И.Дубровская, В.А. Гоноцкая // Птица и ее переработка. – 2000. – № 1-2. – С. 22 -26.
3. Каталог технологического оборудования для пищевой промышленности. Конструкторско-производственный центр «Спрут Технолоджи» [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:, вільний. – Загол. з екрану.
4. Антипова, Л.В. Технология и оборудование птицеперерабатывающего производства [Текст] / Л.В. Антипова, С.В.Полянских, А.А. Калачев. – СПб: ГИОРД, 2009. – 512 с.
5. Бондар, С.В. Вивчення компонентного складу типових паштетнихвиробів і оцінювання можливості долучення до нього м’яса птиці механічно відокремленого / С.В. Бондар, Л.У. Войцехівська, С.Б. Вербицький // Продовольчі ресурси. Збірник наукових праць – 2016. – №6. – с. 113-122.
6. Вербицкий, С.Б. Отделенное с помощью механических средств / С.Б. Вербицкий, Ю.И. Охрименко, С.В. Бондарь // Мясной бизнес – 2015. – №11. – с. 44-45.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 13

13. Research plant extract raw materials with maximum preservation of nutrients
Т. Sheiko, S. Tkachenko, I. Grinenko, M. Yarmolyuk, L. Khomichak
Pages: 93-97
The article shows the importance of using extracts based on plant raw materials. The chemical composition of extracts is shown when using extractants with different concentrations of spirits in the mixture.
Key words: herbs, extraction, water–alcohol solution, biologically active substances, cranberry, dogrose
1. Ковальов В.М. Фармакогнозія з основами біохімії рослин / В.М. Ковальов, О.І. Павлій, Т.І. Ісакова. – Харків: Вид-во НФаУ «Прапор», 2000. – 703 с.
2. Вороніна Л.Н. Біологічна хімія / Л.Н. Вороніна, В.Ф. Десенко, Н.Н. Мадієвська та ін. – Харків: Основа, 2000. – С. 277-282.
3. Каухова И.Е. Новая методика получения растительных препаратов / И. Е. Каухова // Фармация. – 2006. – № 1. – С. 37-39
4. Аксельрудт Г.А. Экстрагирование (система твердое тело – жидкость) / Г.А. Аксельрудт, В.М. Лысянский. – Ленинград: Изд-во «Химия», 1974. – 256 с.
5. Дячок В. В. Науково–теоретичні основи екстрагування лікарської рослинної сировини: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня докт. техн. наук / Дячок В.В. – Київ, 2010. – 41 с.
6. Жматова Г.В. Методы интенсификации технологических процессов экстрагирования биологически активных веществ из растительного сырья / Г.В. Жматова, А.Н. Нефедов, А.С. Гордеев, А.Б. Килимник // Вестник Тверского государственного технического университета. – 2005. – Том 11. № 3. – С. 701-707.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 14

14. Biological and technological properties of new strains of lactobacilli
M. Shugai, N. Tshorna
Pages: 98-104
This article is dedicated to the biological and technological properties of selected substrates from natural strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). There are ten species classified as L. casei and one – as L. acidophilus on the basis of phenotypic and metabolic characteristics Lactobacillus defined taxonomic position. The cultures were characterized by high antagonistic activity to conditionally pathogenic. Their metabolites formed sterile zones on lawns test cultures diameter from 18 mm to 25 mm. Characteristics of cultures important for production (the activity and limit of acidity, stability for temperature and for salt, proteolytic activity, level preservation viability under conditions of freeze-drying) were identified. New strains of lactic acid bacteria can be used as a part of sourdough or as protective culture for production of fermented dairy products, including cheese.
Key words: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, selection, technological properties
1. Рябцева С.А. Сохранение жизнеспособности заквасочной микрофлоры / С.А. Рябцева, М.А. Брацихина, В.И. Ганина // Молочная промышленность. – 2010. – № 1. – С. 22-23.
2. Vos P. Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology / P. Vos, G. Garrity, D. Jones, N. Krieg, W. Ludwig, F. Rainey, K.-H.Schleifer, W. Whitman. – Vol. 3. – 1422 р.
3. Panesar P.S. Effect of Storageon Syneresis, pH, Lactobacillus acidophilus Count, Bifidobacterium bifidum Count of Aloevera Fortified Probiotic Yoghurt / P.S. Panesarand, C. Shinde // Current Reserchin Dairy Science. 2012. – № 1. – Р. 17-23.
4. Егоров Н.С. Основы учения об антибиотиках: Учебник. 6-е изд./ Н.С. Егоров – М.: Изд МГУ; Наука, 2004. – 258 с.
5. Скородумова А.М. Практическое руководство по технической микробиологии молока и молочних продуктов / А.М.Скородумова – М.: Пищепромиздат, 1963. – 308 с.
6. Kimprasit T., In Vitro Selection of Potential Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Ducksand Geesein Thailand / T. Kimprasit, S.Sukontasing аnd P. Amavisit // Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.). 2013. – № 47. – Р. 261-270.
7. Morandi S. Technological, phenotypic and genotypic characterization of wild lactic acid bacteria involved in the production of Bitto PDO Italian cheese / S. Morandi, M. Brasca // Dairy Sci. аnd Technol. 2011 – № 91. – Р. 341-359.
8. Carvalhoa A.S. Relevant factorsfor the preparation of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria / A.S. Carvalhoa, J. Silva, P. Hob, P.Teixeira, F.X. Malcata, P. Gibbsa // International Dairy Journal 2004. – Vol. 14. – № 10. – P. 835-847.
9. Fonseca F. Freeze-drying of lactic acid bacteria / F. Fonseca, S. Cenard, S. Passot // Methods Mol. Biol. 2015. – Vol. 1257. – P.477-488.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 15

15. Starter cultures in raw milk manufacturing industry
I. Vlasenko, V. Vlasenko, T. Semko
Pages: 105-109
This article sets out the starter culture classification in cheese production, their requirements and objectives for the cheese production. The term starter culture is an English expression and has been translated into German as Säuerungskultur or Säureweckerkultur (abbreviated form Säurewecker). Now even ripening or flavour cultures are included in the term starter culture (short "starter"). The following definition is valid today: Starter cultures are - based on their specific properties – selected, defined, and viable microorganism in a pure or mixed culture. Starter cultures in cheese production are special types of bacteria or bacteria of one or more families, developing a clot, help obtaining raw-finished product. Individual varieties of cheese with their corresponding characteristic properties can only be manufactured when using specific and finely-tuned starter cultures. Production of individual lactates can de- or increase with increasing age of the culture. Manufacturers of starter cultures are constantly developing new optimal cultures, contributing to production safety, improvement and stabilization of cheese quality.
Key words: starter culture, manufacturing, industry, rennet cheese, raw milk, dairy products
1. Molska I. Verkommen und Bedtutung der thermoresistenten Bakterien in Milch / I. Molska // Milchforschung Milchproxis. – 1988. – № 5. – S. 121-122.
2. Kazumoto Hashizume Usel – Forming Characteristics of Milk Proteins. 1. Effect of Heat Treatment / Hashizume Kazumoto, Sato Tetsuo // J. Dairy Sci. – 1988. – Vol. 71. – № 6. – P. 1439-1446.
3. Usuinee, T.P. The influence of milk pasteurization temperature and pH at curd milling or the composition, texture and maturation of reduced fat cheddar cheese / T.P. Usuinee, M.A. Fenelon, E.O.Mulholland et al. // Int. J. of Dairy Technology.1998.Vol. 51, № 1 – P. 1-10.
4. Kosikowski F.V. Cheese and fermented milk foods / F.V. Kosikowski, V.V. Mistry. – Wesport, Connecticut 06880: F.V.Kosikowski, Z.Z.C. 1 Peters Iane, 1997. – 727 p. – (Origins and Principles; Vol.1).
5. Boucher, B. Influence of starter and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria on medium redox / B. Boucher, C. Brothersen, J.R.Broadbent // Aust. J. Dairy Technol. – 2006. – Vol. 61, № 2. – P. 176-188.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2017. Issue N 8. Article 16

16. Role of organoleptic test during quality evaluation of food products
O. Zaslavskyi, O. Havrylenko, S. Tomyn, S. Stanislaviv, O. Velikanov
Pages: 110-114
In order to identify quantity content and conduct the comparative quality analysis of fatty component of dairy butter, manufactured in Ukraine, the methods of titrimetry, gravimetry (quantity identification) and chromatography have been used. It has been found that all analyzed samples contain vegetable fat in a varying degree. Regardless of physicochemical parameters of analyzed samples of dairy butter formal compliance with regulatory documentation currently in force, their organoleptic properties correlate with non-animal fast, which have been identified by chromatographic analysis. This paper shows that it is necessary to improve fundamentally the national regulatory documentation in order to create favourable conditions for competitiveness of Ukrainian goods at world market.
Key words: dairy butter, quality, safety, organoleptic test, inequality
1. E. Brown, et al. Cruel Oil: how Palm Oil Harms Health, Rainforest & Wildlife. Washington, D.C.: Center for Science in the Public Interest, 2005. P. 3-5.
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3. J.A. López-López, A.I. Castellote-Bargalló, C. Campoy-Folgoso, M. Rivero-Urgël, R. Tormo-Carnicé, D. Infante-Pina, M.C.López-Sabater. The influence of dietary palmitic acid triacylglyceride position on the fatty acid, calcium and magnesium contents of at term newborn faeces. Early Hum Dev, 2001. Vol. 65 (Suppl). P. 83-94.
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