FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 18

18. Determination of filtration rate of sugar semi-finished products
L. Khomichak, S. Tkachenko, T. Sheyko, V. Titarchuk
Pages: 131-138
The article presents the main factors affecting the separation of suspensions ofcarbonated juices, such as: speed of filtration, physical and chemical properties of the sediment,and the characteristics of the filter septum. There are ways of increasing the efficiency of filtering equipment by using varioustechnological operations aimed at reducing the degree of incrustation of the filter cloth and theconsolidation of carbonation sediment particles. The design and principle of operation of the portable device to determine the filtrationrate of suspensions carbonated juices under pressure in the flow. Device test results are presentedin a sugar factory. The possibility of determining the rate of pressure filtration of syrup, and theexperimental data on the effect offlocculant to its filtration capacity.
Keywords: suspension thin juice, the degree of incrustation, the specific surfaceovercarbonization, pressure filtration speed
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