FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 07

07. Rice flour as stabilizer in fermented milk products
I. Romanchuk, T. Rudakova, L. Moiseeva, O. Gondar
Pages: 46-52
This article is dedicated to the research of rice flour influence on the physico-chemicalcharacteristics offermented dairy products. Recipes and ways to prepare rice flour for its furtheruse for manufacturing ofproducts made from milk or cream were determined. Itis found that usingof the rice flour in an amount from 1.5 g/100 g to 3.5 g/100 g of product doesn’t degrade theorganoleptic properties and provides a stable texture offermented milk clots. The rice flour canbe recommended as gluten-free ingredient of composite dairy products.
Key words: rice flour, texture, fermented milk clot, stabilizers, organoleptic characteristics,composite dairy products
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