FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 02

  • Друк
02. Generating and transfer of innovations are high-priority directions in activity of Food resources institute of NAAS
K. Kopylova
Pages: 15-21
The article presents approaches to developing methodologies innovative technology as an important assignment of research institutions. The main objects of innovation generated by research institutions are small and medium enterprises, which need to attract external intellectual resources. For the contemporary stage of the economic development, dynamic rise in innovation potential of food and processing industry is a constant trend. Food Resources Institute of NAAS fulfils the scientific providing of the development of food branches aiming at creation of effective technologies and equipment of high performance. An essential trait of innovation work of Food Resources Institute of NAAS is the possibility to implement innovative projects at the facilities of its own State Experimental Enterprise a multi-profile structure manufacturing vast range of bacterial primers and concentrates, primer cultures of direct inoculation together with comprehensive technological equipment for food enterprises. Innovative activity of Food Resources Institute of NAAS is not limited by the external transfer of open innovations only, it alsofeatures the role of an internal generator of innovations for microbiological and machine-buildingfacilities of State Experimental Enterprise. A possibility is thus created to evaluate objectively thewholly life cycle of development and implementation of an innovation within the frames of thecommon scientific and manufacturing complex, sophisticated corrective measures for the activitiesof participants of the said process together with proper enhancement of an innovative productaccording to the real market conditions.
Key words: open innovations, generation of innovations, innovative product, transfer ofinnovations, food and processing industry
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