FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 6. Article 29

29. Microelement content of sugar of different origins
O. Zaslavski, O. Kozichч, N. Kozich, O. Velikanov
Pages: 249-252
In order to identify and conduct the comparative trace analysis of sugar of different origins the methods of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and flame photometry have been used. The samples of cane sugar, unrefined beet sugar, white crystalline sugar and sugar of unknown origin have been used to carry out the research. Experimentally identified dietary element composition has been compared with existent information. It has been found that dietary element composition of sugar could be a criterion of its origin identification, and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and flame photometry are promising methods of its research. It has been ascertained, that unrefined beet sugar has had the richest dietary element composition among all analyzed samples. On the basis of conducted research the sugar of unknown origin has been related to cane one.
Key words: beet sugar, cane sugar, atomic-absorption analysis, trace element composition
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