FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 6. Article 12

12. Study of component content of typical pate products and evaluation of possibility to enhance it with mechanically separated poultry meat
S. Bondar, L. Voitsekhivska, S. Verbytskyi
Pages: 113-122
Results of informational and patent search concerning meat based pâtés – finely comminuted products of beef, pork, poultry meat, by-products with the addition of salt and spices. Particularly, ground poultry meats are used in formulations – both obtained by hand deboning and separation by mechanical means. As typical pâté products contain from 43,0 to 57,1% of the meat of hand deboning, formulating pâtés with mechanically separated meat is promising – provided that physical and chemical parameters of this sort of meats do not significantly differ from those of the ground meat of hand boning. Results of comparative research of mechanically separated meat and the meat of mechanical deboning suggest that such parameters as fat content, bone fragments content and their size are all bigger for the mechanically deboned meat. So the use of mechanically separated meat in formulations of pâté products is more viable, concerning proper food safety of them.
Key words: formulation, mechanically deboned poultry meat, mechanically separated poultry meat, pâté products, poultry meats separated by mechanical means
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