FOOD RESOURCES 2015. Issue N 5. Article 13

  • Друк
13. Artificial flavouring agents detection in dairy and milk-containing products
Ya. Zhukova, Ts. Korol, S. Petrishchenko
Pages: 83-89
A detection method of 1,2-propylene glycole-based artificial flavouring agents by gas chromatography has been developed. This method can be applied for testing dairy and dairy-containing products regardless of their fat content. Detection limit of this method is estimated to be 0,10 mg per 100 g. Objects of research were 37 samples of butter ranging by their fat content (69%, 73%, 82,5%), production place (domestic or foreign), 10 samples of spreads, 3 samples of fermented milk drinks and 4 samples of cheeses. It was shown that majority (27%) of butter samples with bad organoleptic characteristics contained 1,2-propylene glycol. It should be mentioned that according to the DSTU 4399:2005 “Butter: Specification” butter should not contain any artificial flavorings. In most cases, adulteration with artificial flavoring agents was observed for samples of butter and cheese with low organoleptic characteristics and milk fat replacement.
Key words: artificial flavorings, dairy products, gas chromatography, butter, 1,2-propylene glycol
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