FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 4. Technical sciences. Article 20

  • Друк
20. Screening of biologically active strains isolated from meat products
Ts. Korol
Pages: 109-116
Studied the composition of the microflora of domestic meat products. Different representatives of the dominant microflora, namely Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus, which indicates features of the manufacturing process depending on the type and region of origin of the product were selected. Biochemically active strains of microorganisms which were promising for use in the manufacture of fermented meat products have been screened. It was determined identification to the genus level 148 strains by morphological, cultural and physiological-biochemical properties of 238 isolates obtained. Among them, 24% of isolates assigned to the genus Lactobacillus, 19% – to Streptococcus, 13% to Staphylococcus, 8% to Micrococcus, 3% to Enterococcus and 32% of the isolates were unable to determine the genus. For further use as starter cultures requires more detailed study of their biological and technological properties.
Key words: lactic acid bacteria, microflora of fermented meat products, micrococci, selection, staphylococci
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