FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 4. Technical sciences. Article 19

  • Друк
19. Development and probation of immunoenzymatic analysis method to detect soy proteins in meat products
O. Shchebentovska, U. Drachuk
Pages: 103-108
The article describes the method of indirect imunoenzim competitive analysis,wich helps to identify proteins in semi-finished soy meat and prepared meat products. At the core of determination of a soy protein in minced meat or semi-finished products competitive dot- blot imunoenzym analysis (IEA) is the competition in the binding pre-labeled rabbit antibodies, monospecific to the soy protein antigens (proteins of soy) that are in the minced meat with the antigens (proteins are the same), in which a known amount of pre-adsorbed on the surface of the nitrocellulose membrane. In the case where the test samples do not containa soy protein, occurs the binding of antibodies (immune complex), which are in the incubation medium with soy proteins (antigens) sorbing onto the membrane.
Key words: soy proteins, meat, antigens, antibodies, immune complexes
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