FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 4. Technical sciences. Article 10

  • Друк
10. Flow of the proteolytic processes in brine cheeses made of milk from different animal species
B. Halukh
Pages: 53-57
Proposed the technological modes of salting and ripening of brine cheese, which provide an active course of Biochemical processes compared to traditional modes of cheesesalting, stipulated by standard. There where investigated the flow of Proteolytic processes during ripening of Brynza cheese made from the milk of cows, sheep and goats, and their mixtures. It is experimentally proved that the composition of total soluble nitrogen during ripening of cheese decreases theproportion of soluble protein nitrogen and increase the share of soluble non-protein nitrogen. The most intensive accumulation of soluble nitrogen compounds occurs in the Brynza made from cow milk and their mixtures with sheep and goat milk.
Key words: cow cheese, sheep cheese, goat cheese, proteolysis, nitrogen compounds, total soluble nitrogen, nitrogen soluble protein, soluble non-protein nitrogen.
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