FOOD RESOURCES 2015. Issue N 4. Economic sciences. Article 12

12. Social and commercial vectors of forming configuration of added value in the food complex
O. Kovalenko
Pages: 74-80
The article presents the results of research of problems and ways of reconciling the interestsof consumers, businesses and government in the field of food security, with a focus on the socioeconomic functions of the components of added value: increasing the profitability of enterprises, reduce the price of products, while improving its quality, as well as workers' wages companies producing these products. It is shown that the basic idea of the analysis of value chains in the food industries is the need to trace the transformation of all the costs of materials and intermediate products to the final consumer product. It is proved that the global financial crisis began to occur reduction of these circuits. This is due to financing problems and increasing transaction costs due to the uncertainty of supply of raw materials.The analysis of the distribution of value-added enterprises individual sectors of the food industry.Concluded that the theoretically added value to be distributed in proportion to the costs of labor and capital and partially reallocated to the national needs for specific requirements. To improve the competitiveness of the industry should improve the management of value added at the enterprise level, which should not contain structural distortions.
Key words: added value, food safety, food processing, value chain
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