FOOD RESOURCES 2015. Issue N 4. Economic sciences. Article 11

11. Current state and problems of functioning of dairy husbandry in Ukraine
L. Ivanova
Pages: 68-73
Dairy cattle today is one of the fundamental sectors of national economy of Ukraine. In a market economy and the growth of a competitive market for agri-food products significantly increased demands on its competitiveness. The above led to the emergence of a number of problems of development and functioning of milk production atthe enterprises of various organizational and legal forms of economic activity in Ukraine. These problems are the subject of this article. Special attention is paid to address the problem of crisis inthe dairy farms. Particular attention is paid to assessing the breeding farms in the corporate sector as the most promising in terms of milk production. The author conducted a detailed analysis of the problems of assessing the quality of milk and the price for it. The proposed measures aimed at revival of dairy farming in Ukraine and ensure its high performance and efficiency.
Key words: agricultural enterprises, farming population, dairy cattle, the price of the livestock, dairy market
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