FOOD RESOURCES 2015. Issue N 4. Economic sciences. Article 05

05. Current state and problems of development of cooperative movement in Ukraine
V. Tsikhanovska
Pages: 31-36
Іn modern conditions of market economy in Ukraine and strengthening globalization processes in Europe and the world face particularly acute issue of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and households. Ensuring a high level of competitiveness of the latter may be made only by deepening agricultural cooperation The article discusses the development of the cooperative movement in a mixed agricultural economy. The author identified the main factors affecting the development of agricultural cooperatives in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the development of cooperative groups, create by combining of personal peasant farms. During the study elucidated the main reasons that hinder the development of cooperatives. Evaluated the activities of rural consumer cooperatives, as one of the directions of the cooperative movement in rural areas. The proposed activities aimed at the development of various types of cooperatives in rural settlements.
Key words: personal farms, production cooperatives, service cooperatives, rural consumer cooperatives, farms, the cooperative movement
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