FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 12

12. Directions of use of scab resistant cultivars of apple
Yu. Honcharuk
Pages: 52-56
The author has researched marketable and consumer qualities of the present day scab resistant apple cultivars, content of the main organic substances in them. The apples of ’Topaz’, ’Freedom’, ’Gold Rush’, ’Imant’, ’Florina’ have appeared to be the most storeable ones. Besides, the author presents the results of studying the directions of using the ecologically safe apple products. For instance, the fruits of ’Amulet’, ’Imant’, ’Topaz’, ’Gold Rus’ are used universally, ’Florina’, ’Vitos’, and ’Syabrina’ as fresh, ’Nadzyeina’, ’Remo’, ’Revena’, ’Reglindis’ and ’Retina’ for different types of technical processing.
Key words: apple, scab resistant cultivars, marketable and consumer fruits quality, storing ability, proper use, ecologically safe products
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