FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 10

10. Research of hygroscopic properties of multicomponent mixtures with coffee and tea
K. Rubanka, V. Terletska, I. Zinchenko
Pages: 44-46
The article is devoted to the study of the hygroscopic properties of multicomponent mixtures with a basis of coffee and tea, namely: the ability to absorb and give moisture at different values of relative humidity and pressure. The structural pore characteristics of the test samples were examined. On the basis of these studies the storage conditions of multicomponent mixtures based on coffee and tea were proposed. The obtained results give the possibility to adjust the technological process of food production with the use of multicomponent mixtures based on coffee and tea.
Key words: multicomponent mixture with coffee and tea, sorption – desorption, hygroscopic
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