FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 09

  • Друк
09. Raw materials for manufacturing potato chips
O. Lysohor, V. Kovbasa, T. Kupriianova
Pages: 40-43
At a time of constant growth rate of life have become increasingly popular foods that do not require additional culinary processing, including fried potato foods – potato chips, whose quality is largely dependent on the quality of raw materials – the potato The range of products is constantly expanding. In many developed countries, an increase in consumption of potato processing. In modern conditions of production plays a significant role potato variety as a factor in technological properties. Targeted use of potato varieties is due to a combination of specific characteristics and properties of fundamental importance, which form tubers with well-defined quality parameters. Therefore to obtain a high quality grade primary role to play.
Keywords: potato, potato foods, potato chips
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