FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Economic sciences. Article 18

18. Formation of resource potential of enterprises of the food industry
V. Riabenko
Pages: 132-137
The essence and components of the resource potential of enterprises is determined. The most important element of the strategic potential is the resource potential. Resource potential is considered as system of resources, interconnected set of material, financial, information means and labor resources that are used or may be used in the production of material goods and services. It is determined that each of these resources is a set of capabilities, but in a result of the interaction of all resources the effect of synergy is achieved and production system gets new features and capabilities, which every single type of resources does not have. Getting effect of a synergy is to provide a different variation of combining different resources together. The role of certain types of resources and the directions of their formation in the activity of the food industry enterprises are determined. Process of formation of potential of the company in the first place involves forming of its resource component. The basic directions of formation material, financial, employment and information components of resource potential of companies are substantiated. The basic processes and basic practical measures of formation of resource potential of enterprises are determined. The criteria of effectiveness of formation of material, financial, labor and information resources are substantiated. The main features of the formation of the resource potential of the food industry companies are studied.
Key words: resources, the potential, formation of resource potential
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