FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Economic sciences. Article 07

  • Друк
07. Research of the investment attractiveness of the food industry
T. Basiuk
Pages: 49-55
The article reviewed and grouped methodological approaches to the assessment of investment attractiveness of the industry. Methods of evaluation are distributed on a group of qualitative and quantitative criterion forms the final result. The system of analytical indexes, necessary for the rating or integral estimation of investment attractiveness of industry is offered. The dynamics of volume of capital investments in food industry and their structures on sourcings is analysed. The attention is focused on the main reasons of changes in the investment attractiveness of food industry. The efficiency of realization of capital investments is shown through the indexes of the efficiency of enterprises of food industry. The basic problems of the investment providing of development of food industry are identified and directions of their decision are formulated.
Key words: investment, investment attraction, evaluation methods, the food industry
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