FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 2. Article 19

19. Microbiological quality of domestic cheeses
M.Shugay, N.Chorna, N.Kihel
Pages: 98-101
A spectrum of microflora in hard and semi-hard domestically produced cheeses was examined in this work. The study revealed that, alongside with lactobacteria, technically harmful microorganisms including aerobic/facultative anaerobic and mesophilic anaerobic bacteria, coliforms, yeasts, molds and S. aureus were present in the microflora of the cheeses. All tested cheeses met the organoleptic and sanitary-hygienic requirements of the current regulations despite of the fact that some of the samples contained technically harmful microorganisms.
Key words: hard and semi-hard cheeses, technically harmful microorganisms, quality of cheese
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