FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 2. Article 17

17. Ripening process of cheese with two kinds of molds
Yu.Orliuk, M.Stepanyshchev
Pages: 89-93
To assess the ripening of cheese with two types of mold were compared it indicators of proteolysis and lipolysis, with analogous indices Roquefort and Camembert cheeses. The intensity of proteolysis in cheese with two types of mold researched by electrophoresis determining the fractional change in the protein. The intensity of lipolysis was determined by changes in the content of volatile fatty acids during ripening. For a fuller understanding of the process of with two types of mold cheese ripening identified change in its active acidity and structural-mechanical properties during ripening.
Key words: cheese with mold, proteolysis, electrophoresis, lipolysis, volatile fatty acids
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