FOOD RESOURCES 2013. Issue N 1. Article 09

09. Traits of sour-cream butter of aroma enhanced by bringing a starter to layer
N. Kigel, H. Yeresko, O.Bodnarchuk
Pages: 91-97
It is shown that organoleptic qualities of product depend in dose of dairy starter of butter. Investigation influence of dairy starter on physical and chemical indexes and piling up of basic components which stipulate aromatic composition of product. Defined that using for the production of sour-cream butter of dairy starter in an amount 3,5% by bringing of it in a layer provides the expressed taste and aroma product.
Key words: dairy starter, acidity, bacterial compositions, acidity, quantity of cells, sour-cream butter, diacetyl, volatile organic acids, reologic indexes
1. Вышемирский Ф.А. Масло из коровьего молока и комбинированное / Ф.А. Вышемирский. – С.Пб.: Гиорд, 2004. – 717 с.
2. Пояркова Н.С. Влияние некоторых технологических фак торов на вкус и аромат кислосливочного масла, полученного способом преобразования высокожирных сливок / Н.С. Пояркова // Труды ВНИИМСП. – 1973. – Т. 10. – С. 139-151.
3. Свириденко М. Получение активной и стабильной производственной закваски / М. Свириденко // Переработка молока. – 2011. – № 6. – С. 30-32.
4. Инихов Г.С. Методы анализа молока и молочных продуктов / Г.С. Инихов, Н.П. Брио. – М.: Пищевая промышленность, 1971. – 423 с. 

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FOOD RESOURCES 2013. Issue N 1. Article 10

10. Different cultures of white mold effecting depositing of volatile aromatic compounds in mild cheeses
Ya. Zhukova, Ts. Korol, M. Vakulenko, V. Malova
Pages: 98-104
A method for identifying cultures of Penicillium candidum and Geotrichum candidum by polymerase chain reaction have been designed, the influence of these cultures on the content of aromatic compounds in soft cheeses have been investigated, a number of characteristic volatile compounds was identified and defined by capillary gas chromatography.
Key words: culture of Penicillium candidum, Geotrichum candidum, volatile aromatic compounds, soft cheese
1. Le Dréan G. Quantification of Penicillium camemberti and Penicillium roqueforti mycelium by real-time PCR to assess their growth dynamics during ripening cheese / G.Le Dréan, J.Le.J. Mounier, V.D. Vasseur, D. Arzur, O. Habrylo, G. Barbier // Int. J. Food Microbiol. – 2010. – Vol. 31. – № 1-2. – P. 100-107.
2. Larpin S. Geotrichumcandidum dominates inyeast population dynamics in Livarot, a French redsmear cheese / S. Larpin, C.Mondoloni, S. Goerges, J.-P. Vernoux, M. Gueguen, N. Desmasures // FEMS Yeast Res. – 2006. – Vol. 6. – № 8. – P. 1243-1253.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2013. Issue N 1. Article 11

11.  Safety and quality of cheese: how to improve microbiologic parameters of raw milk
M. Shuhay, N. Kigel
Pages: 105-116
A method for identifying cultures of Penicillium candidum and Geotrichum candidum by polymerase chain reaction have been designed, the influence of these cultures on the content of aromatic com- pounds in soft cheeses have been investigated, a number of characteristic volatile compounds was identified and defined by capillary gas chromatography.
Key words: culture of Penicillium candidum, Geotrichum candidum, volatile aromatic compounds, soft cheese
1. Te Giffel M.C. Validation of predictive models describing the growth of L. monocytogenes / M.C. Te Giffel, M.H. Zwietering // International Journal of Food Microbiology. – 1999. – № 46. – Р. 135-149.
2. Anderson R.E. Effect of a heatresistant microbial lipase on flavour of Ultra-High temperature sterilized milk / R.E. Anderson, G.Danoelsson, C.B. Hedlund, S.G. Svensson // J. Dairy Sci. – 1981. – № 64. – Р. 375-379.
3. Гудков А.В. Сыроделие: технологические, биологические и физико-химические аспекты / Гудков А.В. / под ред. С.А.Гудкова. – М.: ДеЛи принт. – 2003. – 800 с.
4. Hanamant P.S. Proteoliytyc psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus from milk and fermented milk products / P.S. Hanamant, G.M.Bansilal // J. of Environmental Research And Development. – 2012. – № 3. – Р. 660-666.
5. Флуер Ф.С. Энтеротоксины Bacillus cereus / Ф.С. Флуер // Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии. – 2007. – № 2. – С. 105-110.
6. Шугай М.О. Термоінактивація фагів молочнокислих бактерій / М.О. Шугай, А.Л. Бойко // Вісник КНУ ім. Т. Шевченка. – 2004. – № 42-43. – С. 109-110.
7. Ганина В.И. Экология и органолептическая оценка сырого молока / В.И. Ганина // Переработка молока. – 2003. – № 8. – С. 8.
8. Шингарева Т.И. Производство сыра / Т.И. Шингарева, Р.И. Раманаускас. – Минск: ИВЦ Минфина. – 2008. – 384 с.
9. Шергин А.Н. Защитные культуры Danisco для предот вращения развития дрожжей и плесеней при производстве сыров / А.Н. Шергин // Сыроделие и маслоделие. – 2007. – № 3. – С. 45-46.
10. Lidberg E. Suitability of microfiltered cheese milk in the manufacture of Swedish hard cheese / E. Lidberg, B. Bredal // Scandinavian Dairy Information. – 1991. – № 2. – Р. 20-23.

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FOOD RESOURCES 2013. Issue N 1. Article 12

12. Compositae family as a promising source of inulin
L. Khomichak, R. Hrushetskiy, I. Hrinenko
Pages: 117-122
Five inulin-containing plant species belonging to the Compositae, and all known as medicinal herbs, were compared with each other regarding processing and extraction of inulin from underground parts (tap-roots, tubers). Extraction from fresh and dried plant raw material, inulin yield, and some physical and chemical characteristics of the final product were studied.
Key worlds: inulin, topinambour, chicory, dandelion, elecampane
1. Incoll L.D The occurrence of fructan in food plants In: A. Fuchs (ed.), Inulin and Inulin-containing Crops / L.D. Incoll, G.D.Bonnet // Studies in Plant Science. – Vol. 3. – Р. 309-322.

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