FOOD RESOURCES 2018. Issue N 11. Article 20

  • Друк
N. Yurchenko
Pages: 174-192
Full article
Subject of research – socio-economic status and self-sufficiency potential of the main food resources of a certain region. The purpose of the study is to assess the socioeconomic status and identify the modern model of self-sufficiency of the region of food resources. Applied methods: calculation – analytical, graphical, comparison, analysis and synthesis. Research results. The socio-economic status of Zhytomyr region, are analyzed a methodological approach to its evaluation by using economic indicators and indicators necessary for conducting qualitative monitoring of the real state of the studied region is proposed. The role and place of the Zhytomyr region in the economy of Ukraine, level of its self-sufficiency by food, economic and export potentials are determined basing on the concept of assessing the socio-economic status of the region. The economic comparison of the indicators influencing regional development with similar indicators of the neighboring regions and with the regions of the same economic type is carried out. Taking into account the state and trends of the region, a SWOT analysis is conducted. In the course of the research, a modern model of self-sufficiency of the region is identified as the main food resources, its main directions are substantiated. Scope of research results. It is intended for economists and specialists in the food and processing industry, state authorities, regional government and local self-government bodies, post-graduate students, students and researchers. The conducted studies allow the implementation of the necessary tools for timely response to potential threats to regional food security.
Key words: region, development, analysis, indicators, indicators, potential, model, socio-economic status, self-sufficiency, Zhytomyr region.
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