FOOD RESOURCES 2018. Issue N 11. Article 18

  • Друк


T. Semko, O. Ivanishcheva
Pages: 155-165
Full article
The purpose of the article is to clarify the problems when introducing HACCP at meat industry enterprises and ways of their solution. The subject of the study is the implementation of the HACCP principles – the analysis of potentially dangerous factors, the definition of critical points of control at critical limits for control-critical points (CCP), monitoring of CCT. The article helps in the development and use of a food safety management system at meat industry enterprises. Also, taking into account the prevalence of food safety management systems in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the standard DSTU ISO 22000: 2007, the article presents examples of the implementation of the HACCP principles in the DSTU ISO 22000: 2007. Taking into account the process of harmonization of domestic legislation with the norms and rules of the European Union, considerable attention is paid to the specific requirements of the EU on hygiene and safety. The conceptual scheme of analysis and forecasting of risk for meat and meat products is presented. At the heart of the proposed scheme is a broad understanding of the technological process of producing meat products as a process of movement of all raw ingredients in the food chain "from the field to the counter." It allows, through the technology of producing a product of animal origin, primarily meat products, to focus on the technological aspects of identifying, assessing, managing and communicating risk and, as a result, interlocking and integrating existing approaches in world practice. The technological scheme of production of meat products and determination of critical control points of the technological process are presented. The necessary principles of effective implementation of HACCP are proposed. In each of the sub-stages of the HACCP, the dangerous factors are identified, namely: microbiological, physical and chemical, explanations of the reasons for their occurrence, control and precautionary measures are described, types of dangerous factors are identified and control points are determined. The result of the study is the development of a draft HACCP plan at the stage of quality control of meat raw materials.
Key words: HACCP system, food product, safety, control, risk, ISO standard, food safety group
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