FOOD RESOURCES 2018. Issue N 11. Article 17



M. Samilyk
Pages: 148-154
The object of research is the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization and beet molasses. The purpose of the work is to determine the conditions for achieving the highest possible yield of high quality sugar with minimal loss of sucrose due to the increase of the effect of crystallization of sucrose in the crystallizer mixers by maximizing the molasses desugaring. Research methods include studies in industrial and laboratory conditions, processing of research results. The accumulation and analysis of information on the subject of research is carried out by an empirical research method. The determination of the technological characteristics of the molasses and intercrystal solution is carried out using modern, certified laboratory equipment. According to the results of the research, it has been shown that the use of the massecuite of the last degree crystallization in the mixer-crystallizers does not achieve the maximum effect of crystallization due to the violation of the isogidic conditions of the process. The diluting of massecuite with low-purity sugar solution (molasses) reduces the rate of subsequent crystallization of sucrose. The expediency of intermediate heating of the massif of the last degree of crystallization at 7-10°C during the process of its polythermal crystallization in the crystallization mixers after the decrease of the temperature of the massacre to 50-55°C has been proved. The new design of the device for intermediate heating of the ceiling of the last degree of crystallization is proposed. On the basis of the conducted researches the recommendations of the industry concerning the rational mode of polythermal crystallization of the massecuite of the last degree of crystallization in the mixer-crystallizers were given. A more detailed analysis of the influence of individual factors on the process of crystallization of sucrose by cooling was carried out.
Key words: molasses, cooling crystallization, massecuite, intercrystalline solution, dilution with water, the intermediate heating
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