FOOD RESOURCES 2018. Issue N 11. Article 13

L. Mikhonik, I. Getman, N. Bela, G. Bogdan
Pages: 116-122
The article is devoted to the study of the quality indices of starters obtained by fermentation of from rice, barley and oat flour together with the and flour of green buckwheat in the process of low temperature preservation. The process of selection is described and quality traits of finished leaven, namely, organoleptic and biotechnological are shown. The specificity of changes in the acidity and activity of lactic acid bacteria as the main indicators of the quality of fermentation in the process of refrigeration storage has been investigated. The chemical composition of flour of different types of cereals is analyzed and the necessity and advantages of using the data of physiologically - functional ingredients in bread wheat flour technology have been substantiated. It has been shown that among cereals the products of processing of buckwheat and oats, and, less often, of barley are especially noteworthy. It is concluded that the quality of protein, the content of vitamins, minerals and food fibers define buckwheat and oats as the most valuable cereals. The protein of buckwheat flour is well balanced by the amino acid composition, exceeding the protein of wheat and rye with the content of lysine. The peculiarities of the carbohydrate composition of barley and oats are the presence of soluble polysaccharides: pentosans levulezan, as well as β-glucan as a natural prebiotic and immunostimulant. The efficiency of using the abovementioned types of flour for the preparation of starters by fermentation is proved, which can be used in practice for the enrichment of bakery products with macro- and micronutrients. The analysis of the biotechnological parameters of the fermentation and its changes in the storage process made it possible to conclude that their resistance to low temperatures is significant. An assumption is made about the presence of stable strains of lactic acid bacteria in the composition of starters and the purpose of further research is substantiated.
Key words: cereal flour, chemical composition, fermentation starters, conservation, quality indices, activity of lactic acid bacteria.
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