FOOD RESOURCES 2014. Issue N 3. Technical sciences. Article 23

23. Bacteriophages circulating at dairy enterprises of Ukraine
O. Naumenko
Pages: 120-129
Monitoring studies of the samples, obtained from 5 dairy plants, for the presence of lactic acid bacteria phages, were conducted. It was found that about 85 % of the samples contained phages, lytically active as for the genus Lactococcus, and 33 % of the samples – species-specific phages Streptococcus thermophilus. Phage titer of lactobacteria in the samples ranged from 1 to 106 PFU per ml depending on the used test-culture. 16 new phage isolates were purposefully allocated from monitoring objects. Six morphotypes of plaque were specified, that formed phages on lawns of homologous to them cultures. It was shown that addition of CaCl2 in the medium affected the reproduction effectiveness of some phages. On this basis 67 % of phages significantly increased their number when adding 10 mM of CaCl2 – Spearman correlation coefficient was positive and had a value of r = 0,85 (n = 10, p <0,05). The selected phages influence on industrial strains from the collection of Biotechnology Department of the Institute of Food Resources was studied. It was determined that phages f1, f6, f10 and f16 were the most aggressive to starter cultures. Lytic activity index value Il (ratio of lysed strains to the studied strains) for them varied from 0,26 tо 0,35.
Key words: bacteriophage, lactic acid bacteria, test culture, lysis, negative colony, reproduction
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