Reviewing and publishing ethics
A manuscripts are subject to mandatory anonymous reviewing.
The manuscript is registered provided that it meets the requirements listed in the journal and posted on the website.
The editor-in-chief evaluates the scientific level of the work and appoints reviewers, independent experts from the members of the editorial board, who have scientific specialization in the profile of the manuscript, as well as other relevant specialists.
The editors send articles to reviewers without specifying authors. The correspondence between reviewers and authors is carried out via the editors.
Reviewing is accomplished within weeks.
The reviewer makes one of the following conclusions: “I recommend for publication in the author’s version”; “I recommend publishing after revision and consideration of these remarks”; “I recommend rejecting the publication” (state the reason).
The editor-in-chief considers reviewers’ suggestions and makes the appropriate conclusion.
Manuscripts sent to authors after peer review shall be returned to the editor no later than within 10 days after their receipt. If not returned within the said period, a manuscript will be re-registered as a newly received one, with a corresponding change in the date of its publication.
A manuscript article corrected by its authors is a subject to re-reviewing.
For the editor-in-chief, the reviewer's conclusion is not final. The editor-in-chief may direct the work for additional review to another reviewer. In case of a negative review, double reviewing is applied. The final decision on the publication of a manuscript is made by the editorial board of the journal.
In the case of authors’ disagreement with the review, they may send a motivated response to the editorial board, and then the editorial board decides whether to send the manuscript to other reviewers. In conflict or non-routine situations, the editor-in-chief independently makes the appropriate decision.
In the case of a positive review, the manuscript goes through stylistic, spelling, technical editing, is made into a layout and is transmitted to the publisher.
In case of refusal to publish materials these are not returned to the authors and are not considered again.
Reviews are stored in the editorial office for three years.
The members of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Food Resources NAAS finally approve the content of the journal at its meeting.