Department of Economic Research


Olha Kovalenko


Head of department

Olha Kovalenko

Doctor of Science (Economics)

Senior Researcher

+38 044 517 07 97

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The economic research of the department is aimed at the study of economic processes in the national food industry and food policy during the formation of its modern economic model.
Areas of scientific research:
• principles of formation of the national food system, its components and priorities;
• the potential of industrial production of food products in Ukraine and its regions;
• renewal and modernization of food production with the increase of industrial production of the latest technological systems with in-depth processing of agricultural raw materials;
• competitiveness of the national food industry and its individual branches at the national and global levels;
• institutional aspects of food production development;
• regional aspects of development in conditions of decentralization;
• integration of domestic branches of the food industry into global chains of creation of added value;
• assessment of the impact of international trade rules on food policy;
• international trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation, inclusion in world and European industrial clusters;
• development of market infrastructure and modern forms of food trade;
• food safety and the mechanism for ensuring the quality of food products;
• development of food system models for forecasting indicators of its development;
• innovations and business in the food system of Ukraine, inclusive innovations in the branches of the food complex;
• investment support for the development of the food industry;
• strategy for the development of the food industry.
Within the scope of the scientific research program of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine for 2021-2025, the department performs the following tasks:
• development of the food industry in the implementation system of the strategic model of the national economy;
• substantiation of the scientific, organizational and methodological foundations of the development of the food system of Ukraine;
• formation of industry models and assessment of prospects for the development of the food industry.

The department offers the following services:

- conducting thematic scientific research, marketing research of food product markets;

- implementation of monitoring of food markets, assessment of economic potential, trends in the development of branches of the food complex and market infrastructure;

- development of business plans, assessment of the level of investment and innovation provision of the food industry;

- development and implementation of industry strategies and programs, forecasting the development of regional markets and solving other urgent issues in the field of economy and management of the food industry;

- holding round table discussions, preparing reports, reports, analytical information and other scientific products regarding the state, problems, prospects of development of the food complex.

Коваленко Книжки


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