FOOD RESOURCES 2015. Issue N 5. Article 27

27. Factors of evaluation inner food market at stages of economic cycle of development
O. Bokii
Pages: 194-203
Under conditions of permanent crisis in the country, rising prices and impoverishment of population, it’s important to examine food market patterns and the set of instruments used for its assessment. Classification is proposed of factors and criteria for the assessment of foods market, divided into the following blocks: macroeconomic, consumer, financial, technical and technological, production potential, transport and logistics, innovations and investment, and regulatory and legal. Stages are considered of economic crisis in the country and of factors that caused it. Dynamics are analyzed of basic internal foods market stability indicators at various stages of Ukraine’s economic development. Patterns of phenomena at various of the economic cycle of the market development are elucidated. These are not just being shaped up under influence of evolutionary factors but also result of action of stochastic factors that are the most characteristic ones for modern Ukrainian economy. The reasons for are the state’s imperfect regulatory policies, institutional environment, and impact of global economic crisis. Crucial counteraction to the negative factors could be the creation of sustainable competitive economy integrated in European community.
Key words: competitive economy, crisis, cycle of development, factors of assessment, food market, negative phenomena
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