Food Resources 2021 Issue N 16 Article 09

Kateryna Danilova, Oksana Zavarzina
Pages: 90-97
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An actual problem of the alcohol industry development is the expansion of the raw material base through the use of new, cheaper types of carbohydrate sources. Recently, glucose-fructose syrup has been of increasing interest to producers of ethanol. Among the producers of craft drinks, in particular rum-based drinks, cane molasses is in increasing demand. The article presents the technological aspects of the fermentation process of nonconventional sugar-containing raw materials on the example of glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses in ethanol by different yeast strains. It is determined that glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses are raw materials depleted of nitrogen, phosphorus and growth substances necessary for the yeast activity. To improve the technological properties of raw materials in the molasses, nitrogen, phosphorus nutrition and corn extract as a growth substance shall be added to a mash. Glucose-fructose syrup is of pH 3.68 and of acidity 0.12, which negatively affects the fermentation. It is established that in order to create optimal living conditions for yeast, it is necessary to add substances to the glucose-fructose syrup that will contribute to the safety of development and prevent the pH 3.5. It was determined that the alcohol yield from 1 ton of glucose-fructose syrup is 31.0 dal, from 1 ton of cane molasses is 24.0 dal on the yeast 46ED and 22 dal on the TegaYeast without the use of growth substances and vitamins necessary for the reproduction of yeast biomass. Under conditions of improving the technological properties of the mash from the glucose-fructose syrup and cane molasses by adding biologically active substances promoting the synthesis of yeast biomass, the ethanol content in the fermented mashes increases up to 11.9‑12% vol.
Keywords: glucose-fructose syrup, cane molasses, yeast strains, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition, corn extract, fermentation, fermented mashesReferences
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