Food Resources 2021 Issue N 16 Article 18

Nina Usatenko, Serhii Verbitskyi
Pages: 192-204
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One of the most important parts of the technological chain for the production of poultry meat is chilling carcasses after slaughter. In Ukraine, a more economic method of cooling - water-contact one is mostly used, which however does not guarantee the proper quality of finished products and is not allowed in the European Union. Actuality of theme. This article concerns the introduction of advanced technologies in the domestic poultry industry. The subject of research - thermophysical characteristics of the chilling processes of broiler carcasses. Purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of using in the poultry industry technology for chilling carcasses of broilers by the hydroaerosol-air method. Research methods. Experimental research was performed using the method of local modeling of heat transfer processes between carcasses and a cooling medium of different type, analytical research – using differential equations, criterion dependences and similarity theory. Research results. It is experimentally established that at the same temperature for all types of chilling media tmed = 3 °С ÷ 0 °С, the mass velocity of their movement was, respectively, for water - wg ≈ 0.2 m / s, for air and hydroaerosols - wg ≈ 2.5 m/s ÷ 2.8 m /s, the heat transfer coefficient from the carcasses was: for water-contact method of cooling -av≤ 550.0 W / m2K, for hydroaerosol – ag≤ 200.0 W / m2K, for hydroaerosol-air – agр≤ 106.0 W / m2K, for air – aр ≤ 34.1 W / m2K. According to the results of comparative analytical studies of carcass chilling processes, the expediency of using the hydroaerosol-air method as one that ensures the quality of poultry meat at moderate operating costs has been proven. An algorithm for calculating the parameters of this process is proposed.
Keywords: poultry carcasses, analytical and experimental researches, hydroaerosol, method of local modeling, cooling, heat sink
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