Food Resources 2021 Issue N 16 Article 20

Liubomyr Khomichak, Inha Kuznietsova, Svetlana Vysotska, Sergiy Tkachenko
Pages: 212-220
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Introduction. Processing of grain raw material with influence on starch or albumens by application of heat treatment creates the variety of functional properties of a product and is perspective in the modern terms vital functions of man. Research methods and methods. The flour obtained from wheat of the Ascanian wheat and from wheat of the soft varieties: Sophia ("sweet wheat"), Blond (soft) and Chornobrova (enriched with micro- and macronutrients) were used in the study. Thermal modification of flour samples was carried out in a convective manner. The control sample for determining the quality indicators is obtained in industrial conditions, extruded wheat flour produced by LLC "AS groups, LTD". Research results. The obtained kinetic dependence shows the gradual loss of moisture standards with different speed which accordingly influences on duration of drying. The moisture content of the drying agent most affects the intensity at the initial stage of the constant drying rate. With an increase in the moisture content of the coolant, the period of constant drying increases and the amount of evaporated moisture increases during this period. With the subsequent removal of moisture from raw materials, the degree of influence of this parameter on the intensity decreases. The nature of the drying curves is the same and the recommended process for obtaining modified flour is the process duration of 300 minutes or 5 hours. It was determined microscopically, that the samples of dried wheat flour have a purpose and are partially destroyed by starch granules and amorphization of biocomposite materials. Based on the data on the kinetics of drying flour samples, the kinetic coefficients and values of the critical moisture content for drying wheat flour were calculated, which is 1.18-1.30 %. It was determined that for the sensorial indicators the obtained samples have indicators characteristic of the varietal characteristics of wheat, from which the flour was taken. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the modified wheat flour samples are not inferior to the well-known industrial sample of extruded flour. Conclusions. Use of flour, obtained from the wheat with different correlation of amilose and amylopectin, positively influences on a technological process and allows to extend the assortment of modified starch products, and accordingly, food products. Kinetics of the convective drying standards of the flour is investigated. Researches showed that a it is physically modified flour obtained from the different sorts of the soft wheat is not inferior in quality to the extruded wheat flour.
Keywords: wheat, starch granules, swelling, modified flour
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