FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 24

24. Study of spelt and pumpkin flour baking properties in case of using plasma-chemically activated water
S. Mykolenko, Y. Hez’
Pages: 170-177
The paper reviews the current problems for providing the population with food products having high biological value and functional properties. Opportunity of using spelt flour is shown as organic raw material. Fat-free pumpkin seed flour being byproduct of pumpkin processing is considered to be enriched by vitamins and minerals.The work includes analysis of research and publications relating to the feasibility of using spelt and pumpkin flour in bakery production and enlightens the impact of these non-traditional raw on the quality of the finished products, highlighting the issues that need to be addressed.The aim of work is to study functional and technological characteristics of spelt flour and fat-free pumpkin seed flour in case of using water, exposed to the action of contact non-equilibrium plasma. The optimum composition of wheat, spelt and fat-free pumpkin seeds flours is proposed for bread production. Effect of plasma chemically activated water on spelt flour gluten is determined. The influence of water exposed to the action of contact non-equilibrium plasma on activity of α-amylase spelt flour and bakery mix is shown. The results of qualitative evaluation of developed bakery goods are presented. Advisability of using plasma-chemically activated water is proved in case of combining with spelt flour and fat-free pumpkin seeds flour in order to increase bread quality characteristics.
Key words: spelt flour, fat-free pumpkin seeds flour, plasma-chemically activated water, gluten, falling number, baking properties
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