FOOD RESOURCES 2016. Issue N 7. Article 16

16. Optimal hydrodynamic modes of processing in rotor-vortex emulsifier at the production of the curd product
M. Shynkaryk, V. Voroshchuk, H. Yeres'ko, T. Rudakova, S. Narizhnyy
Pages: 117-124
Authors analyzed the features of technological equipment application for the curd pastes production. They selected criteria for estimating the processing of the curd pastes in rotor-vortex emulsifiers, such as: the power parameter (the need of power for processing 1 kg of curd pastes), the technological parameter (the reduction of curd pastes processing duration), the quality parameter (providing the structure and the concentration evenness of curd pastes). Authors chose methodologies and equipment for the research of rheological characteristics, microstructure of curd pastes and determination of the power that was used at hydrodynamic processing in the rotor-vortex emulsifier. Authors made a computer-assisted experimental device for the research of hydrodynamic modes of the emulsifier operations. They investigated the influence of method on the dosage of curd, on the need of power, and on tooling of the curd pastes in rotor-vortex emulsifier at the different values of rotor rotation frequency. Authors investigated the change of microstructure of the curd pastes in the process of processing in rotor-vortex emulsifier. They found the optimal hydrodynamic modes of operations of rotor-vortex emulsifiers.
Keywords: rotor, vortex rotation, emulsifier, power, curd pastes, optimal hydrodynamic modes
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