- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 11:20
- Перегляди: 910
09. Application of lignified bagasse from sugar sorghum as sorbents for treatment of soils
N. Grigorenko, L. Kupchyk, V. Denisovich
Pages: 76-81
The article highlights the problem of contamination of soils by heavy metals, which leads to reduce in number of species of plants and microorganisms and deterioration of conditions for the growth and development of cultivated plants. It is established that about 20% of Ukraine's territory is contaminated with heavy metals. This urgent problem requires the search for new, environmentally friendly and economically viable ways of extracting them from the soil. The method of obtaining a sorbent for soil treatment by lignifying bagasse from sugar sorghum was developed. The sorption properties of untreated and lignified bagasse with respect to copper ions (II) have been investigated has it has been established that lignified bagasse can be used in agro technologies as a sorbent for purification of soils from copper ion contamination.
Key words: soil, biosorbents, lignified bagasse, sugar sorghum, heavy metals
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