27. Rheological parameters of cheese curd
Y. Orlyuk, M. Shynkaryk, O. Kravets, M. Konevych. 
Pages: 226-231
The article substantiates the expediency of conducting the process of forming cheese in the range of pressures corresponding to the elastic properties of the cheese mass. The purpose of the work was to study the compression and filtration characteristics of the cheese mass in the production of cheeses of the Ukrainian variety and to establish the optimum formation pressure in terms of preserving the elastic properties of the serum mass. As the theoretical base for conducting research of compression and filtration characteristics the principal fundamentals of the theory of filtration consolidation were used. Limit values of pressure for cheeses with low and high temperature of second heating, at which the plastic deformation is established. The appropriate mathematical equations which represent the dependences of compression and filtration properties of the mass are presented. It is concluded that at the received limit values of pressure, which ensure the separation of moisture during compression within the elastic properties of the serum mass, there is a rapid separation of moisture and uniform distribution of it along the height of the cheese head, which is important for the subsequent pressing process.
Key words: compression properties, filtration properties, cheese mass, rheological characteristics, cheese molding
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