- Деталі
- Опубліковано: Понеділок, 05 листопада 2018, 15:07
- Перегляди: 1140
34. The state of demand and supply of milk and milk products in regions of Ukraine and in the world
N. Yurchenko
Pages: 269-275
The purpose of the article is to study the current state of demand and supply of milk and milk products in Ukrainian, the volumes of production and consumption of milk and dairy products in the world, an assessment of the level of self-sufficiency milk and milk products by regions of Ukraine. Regional distribution of demand and supply of milk and milk products in Ukrainian has been made, the main reasons for the imbalance on the domestic dairy market have been identified. The actual situation of demand and supply of milk and milk products in Ukrainian, volumes of production and consumption of milk and milk products in the world was investigated, an estimation of the level of self-sufficiency of Ukraine in milk and milk products by regions was made, areas that produce products with excess and those in which output is less than consumption were determined.
The conducted researches allow for the implementation of the necessary tools for timely response to possible potential threats to Ukraine's food security.
Key words: milk, milk products, demand, supply, production, consumption, regions, conjuncture
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