22. Features of fatty acid composition as biomarker of organic milk authenticity
P. Petrov, Ya. Zhukova
Pages: 202-211
The rapid development of the organic products market in Ukraine, legislative regulation of production technology of organic food and agricultural products makes necessary the developing of measures for organic milk authentication with the aim of protecting consumers and producers of certified organic products from unfair competition and fraud. Fatty acid composition analysis of milk can be one of the main methods to research the authenticity of its organic origin. The aim of this work is the analysis of recent studies of fatty acid composition of organic and conventional milk, comparing of the fatty acid profile, as well as determination of the effect of various factors (cattle diet, season) on the dynamics of these parameters. Conducted studies indicate differences in the content of omega-3 fatty acids, vaccenic acid and conjugates of linoleic acid in the fat phase of organic milk compared with the conventional. However, the variation in the absolute values of the fatty acid concentrations, and sometimes conflicting reports in studies of foreign authors, indicates the purpose to consider the farming type, cattle diet, climatic and geographical conditions.
Keywords: organic milk, authenticity, fatty acid composition
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