21. Optimization of silver carp roe salting conditions basing on water activity parameter
A. Menchinska, Т. Маyevska, T. Lebska
Pages: 194-201
Optimal conditions for the technological process of silver carp roe salting using the mathematical modeling method were determined. We obtained the mathematical models by the method of full factorial experiment on the base of compositional orthogonal design of second-order for 2 factors: table salt concentration and sugar concentration. According to the analysis of the main parameters of a process we detected variable– based factors of research scheme: salt concentration from 2 to 10%, sugar concentration from 0,5 to 1,5%. Water activity was used as a parameter of optimization. By the help of Pareto diagram we found that salt concentration has a maximal statistically significant effect as a linear term. As the result of regression coefficients' calculation we found a mathematical model of salt concentration and sugar concentration influence on water activity parameter. We also found critical points for the models of the process: salt concentration must be equal to 4 %, sugar concentration – 1%. On the base of regression equation we built an upper limit of out parameter, which reflects its dependence from in parameter. When analyzing a counter plot it was determined that 10,8% salt concentration and 1% sugar concentration are rational parameters, under the which conditions water activity parameter compounds less 0,86.
Key words: roe, salting, salt, sugar, water activity, mathematical model, the regression equation, Pareto diagram
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