13. Possibilities to enhance active foreign trade of Ukraine with foods
N. Kotkova
Pages: 81-86
Investigated inventory cost structure of international trade with food and Ukraine analyzes the dynamics of Ukraine share of food in total exports and imports of goods and services for the 2008-2014 biennium. Indicated that trends in the world food market is the most important factor in the development of food industry in Ukraine in terms of progressing globalization. Research trends in the global market when forming strategies ofenterprises is a prerequisite for ensuring high competitiveness of domestic food. International trade provides an opportunity to sell their stocks of resources abroad, which in turn is one way of increasing the gross domestic product. Effective implementation of foreign economic activity contributes to the competitiveness of products, are a key driver of economic 82 growth, and is considered to be the real lever ofstructural transformation and stabilization of the national economy.
Key words: international trade in food, food exports, food imports, the trade balance of food
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